Want Stop Premium Time Button
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:52 AM
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:59 AM
Elkarlo, on 06 December 2012 - 07:20 AM, said:

It's Beta. That's short for Beta Testing. They're going to do all sorts of things, predictable and unpredictable. One of the things that doesn't have to be predicted is there will be no premium pause button. Why? Because PGI/IGP was very clear even before we had the start button that pressing the start button is final. Once you've done it, there's no going back.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 10:04 AM
Adrienne Vorton, on 05 December 2012 - 02:07 AM, said:

and i am sure that someone already stated that, but :
PGI said that the activation would be permanent, no way to stop it once you hit the button...
if you activated, you have to live with it, you could have waited a few weeks more...
As he said (but he meant refrain, not refuse).
It is permanent, and everyone should read the forums from time to time.

I don't have any issues with ping, balistics, or light mechs. (ping usually around 150)
Posted 06 December 2012 - 10:59 AM
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:01 AM
Why in the hell would you continue to pay for beta using premium time?
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:03 AM
Thats not fair!
Ahh, I've got two weeks off during Janurary, guess I'll press the button then for myself. Then that sweet, sweet premium time will be all mine to use as I see fit.
I want a system with no repercussions. If I ever do something that I regret later. I shouldn't have to think before I leap.
Edited by verybad, 06 December 2012 - 11:06 AM.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:21 AM
Just keep it un-started - as I have.
I even spent MC for 30 days so I can grind up a bit of cash for "practice mechs" as that is what things are for me, right now: Practice, to ensure I don't suck (badly) when CW hits.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:26 AM
ThinkTank, on 06 December 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:
I will be gone for a few days, so I'm going to pause my rent for a few days. K thanx.
Dear Cable Company,
I didn't watch any TV or use the Internet yesterday. I need you to pause my billing until I use your services again. Thanks!
Dear Government,
I am Unsatisfied with your administration of my tax monies. I will start paying my taxes again when you increase my level of undeserved entitlement and rampant ignorance of business and the real world.
Big Baby
Calling someone a big baby is not constuctive to the "posting environment"
Dear US Postal Service,
I will be out of my house for a week. Please hold my mail.
Edited by thenightisdark, 08 December 2012 - 02:18 AM.
edited per CoC
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:33 AM
You see, after all, it does boil down to how a game is defined (being in Alpha or Beta, having ALL functionality in place or not, etc. . . etc. etc. . ) versus the state that it is actually in. Now some folks are better at sizing up the reality of the situation and spend the time reading and comprehending the jist of it all while others don't. That doesn't make one of us any better than another, it just means that as a community we should be afforded the benefit of the doubt and support as if we were and are truly a community. I speak of ALL the mech warrior pilots, devs, and employees of PGI / IGP as well. We're in this TOGETHER and this We versus They, I vs U mentality really must remain on the battle field. . . Who better than PGI to lead that paradigm shift as they themselves hold that one spot in space and time that fuels our rage, malcontent, and over all fixation with taking cheap shots at each other as often as possible over things that are often in some proportion agreed upon.
I applaud Bryan for posting here, I wish he would do so more often and encourage the others to do so more often. Even if we don't hear things we like or something contrary to what we're hoping for, it sends a clear and loud statement to the entire community. That is what we need, that is what the majority desire. Information and direction, the essence of forward movement towards an eventual (hopefully) fully developed and functional game that meets the need.
So while it is easy to poke at the original poster and pick apart his broken english, tear down his moral and pull at his naivety, it is infinitely easier for PGI to stop this type of in-fighting and provide a clear and accurate response giving direction to the masses over something that is ultimately agreed upon. Premium time burning right now, is a waste of our money. It's a slap in the face to the people who have contributed real life cash, in addition to their time to a game they continue to hope will turn itself around and take a step forward. A game that is being designed by a young company (in reality) that can mold itself after whom ever they want, or take parts of what they like along with parts of who they are and put a new image forward of a company that is aware, capable and willing to support and be a part of the very community they are focusing on doing business with. PGI / IGP both have the unprecedented opportunity to fashion themselves villains or kings the choice is theirs, the path is clear, the opportunity is upon them. Beyond that I pray the community at large remembers that we are all alike here, we have given our time, money, interest and effort in providing the force for these two companies to develop this model and publish this game. Our vested interest is much larger than most people think and we should at the very least extend a degree of respect and attempt to comprehend and support the others of this community in their positions and efforts. Meaning that if you agree say so, if you don't then offer your counter but do so with respect and by speaking to the problem being raised, not a symptom or the person who offered up the original position. Remember, treat others as you would have yourself be treated and if that is beyond your ability then remember that if you can't say something nice say nothing at all . . . I'd much prefer that what ever you had to say, for or against, you do so with tact, dignity and clarity so that we cease this endless in-fighting and chaos and give PGI a clear and loud message of our wants and wishes.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:34 AM
Particle Man, on 06 December 2012 - 09:50 AM, said:
yea, i too would like a button that lets me stop my premium time when i'm not playing!
finished for the night? Pause! No more premium time counting down!
going to be gone for a couple of days? Pause! No more premium time counting down!
sounds like a good scam you've come up with to extend premium time! Too bad it was so blatantly obvious that you'll never ever see it.
What is so seriously wrong with this? So what? You mean I only play for the time I PLAY. No crap, that is rational.
When I rent a movie, I dont pay unless I am holding the movie. If I want to play MW:O, I pay while I am ACTUALLY PLAYING. It seems so unituitive to assume that you should pay while NOT playing. Why is it cannon that you must pay while not playing?
Seems so simple. If you play, you pay (For premium time) If you do not play, you dont pay.
Here is my logic:
There is 2 kinds of players, hardcore who play every day, or every other day. To these people. the difference is moot.
The other kind of player plays on weekends. This player absoulutly reconizes that they will be paying for the entire week. Why would they buy a week when they only are going to play a day? I say encourage the second kind of player. Make it not such a penatly to get just a days worth of premium time. The option is simple:
Buy one month, each day you log on reduces your Premium time by one day.
How hard is that?
Posted 06 December 2012 - 12:52 PM
thenightisdark, on 06 December 2012 - 11:34 AM, said:
Buy one month, each day you log on reduces your Premium time by one day.
How hard is that?
its not set up that way, intentionally. Why would they want people to buy premium time, but then make it so that it lasts forever? I'm sorry you dont agree with their pricing and the way the game works, but thats how it works.
if you rent a movie, you pay for it whether you watch it or not. You dont get to keep it as long as you want. (not netflix, actual movie rentals)
if you buy a ticket for a movie in the theaters you dont get to hold the ticket and go see the movie whenever you feel like, you go at the time it says.
So if you bought a month of time, you should play it as much as you can in that month, because when the month is gone, so is your premium.
It's not like they didn't tell us for weeks that they are adding a button to start it, and once you start it, it doesn't stop, ever. If i remember correctly, that stipulation was even in bold. I haven't started my premium time yet (i bought a month with MC though), but i assume that when you hit the button that it tells you at least one more time that it's PERMANENT. You chose to ignore it, now live with it.
Edited by Particle Man, 06 December 2012 - 12:54 PM.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 01:01 PM
Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:13 PM
Bryan Ekman, on 06 December 2012 - 07:42 AM, said:
I had a wonderful e-mail just two days ago from Neema. He's finished a bunch of major netcode improvements. They're going into test over the Xmas break, so provided they are in good shape, we'll see them in the game mid to late January (worst case). Unfortunately, this only addresses part of the issues with non-NA players. PGI/IGP are committed to offering regional servers, although timing is not finalized yet.
Hang tight, and we really appreciate your feedback.
Thank you for the Answer.
I think i will look in next Year then.
For the others, i never complained about the ECM in General,
maybe in some threads about the implementation and over implementation of it,
i knew it was comming yes.
But i complain what the ECM does with certain Connections, and thats my biggest Problem...
It activates Lag Shield..
on MY Mech so that MY Weapons don't trigger in a predictable Manner.
All in all it means:
Missle Mechs are thanks to the overimplementation not Playable at the moment for PuG's
And More to the Point: I like Direct Fire Mechs, had no problems playing them,
but for My Connection they are totally unplayable.
As i don't have ANY Control when a Shot will trigger as soon as ECM is involved.
As my Trigger got an Randomized Lag from 130ms to 1000ms as soon as Enemy ECM affects my Mech.
(Low Signal on Map)
So i am forced to Pause Mechwarrior and thats the Reason i want a Pause Button on the Premium.
But i also knew that it is more my desire then a real expectation that it will happen.
I wrote this provokativ Topic simply because everybody rant only how Good or Bad ECM is.
but only one other Persone noticed that the Lag Shield is activated in some cases with ECM..
And of course i was realy disappointed how the Situation changed:
From "Good to play and have fun" to "Not playable as soon as ECM is on"
Of course it was my greedy fault of activating Premium first,
and you all can laugh at me that i did and point your fingers on me.
(But when you Point at a Person did you notice at whom the other three Fingers points?
I wanted to support PGI with my Choice)
But Again: Thanks Brian for the Answer, hopefully i can play again after the Netcode Fix.
Good Speed
Edited by Elkarlo, 06 December 2012 - 04:24 PM.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:29 PM
But I agree a stop button would be nice so I dont lose time while out of town for the holidays.
No biggie.
But would be nice!
I did get like 1 month free though before they put the button in
Ill take that
Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:32 PM
Ricama, on 06 December 2012 - 01:01 PM, said:
this. you wont be seeing a stop button EVER.
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