So I propose a new topic to break this trend: HOW SHOULD MWO NOT BE LIKE WoT?
Obvious answer is "in ALL ways should it not be similar"

Biggest deal breakers for me and that game:
- I for one COULD NOT STAND the frequency of matches featuring 1:1:1 ratios of heavy, medium, and light tanks. It basically made lighter tanks obsolete; being stuck in one of the lighter tanks for a match and being unable to damage anything was VERY ANNOYING. Sooo many rounds a waste just because I happened to draw the **** round with 8 heavies in it.
- XP grind was loooooong and booooooring. No other means of trying new tactics, but grinding it to the next tank/upgrade (to be fair, mechwarrior has always been better in terms of flexibility by nature than WW2 tanks).
- Oh yeah.. almost forgot.... the paying for better ammo was/is COMPLETE AND UTTER ****! I'm all for pricing cosmetics and expansions, but "paying to win" is the darkside of "free to play", my friends.
Edited by MagnusEffect, 03 November 2011 - 09:52 PM.