Lanessar, on 10 December 2012 - 07:12 AM, said:
The only thing I see clearly from said table is that the Devs are working on heat, when the Medium laser is the problem.
Yes, it feels like that to me, too.
Heeden, on 10 December 2012 - 07:40 AM, said:
MLas is roughly the same as LLas as far as damage-per-heat goes and the devs think the large is in a pretty good place so I imagine they'll be wanting to balance around that. In fact only the ERs are horribly out of whack with the PLas variants possibly needing a look.
The problem with changing the whole heat system to fix a couple of problems with energy weapons is it will also be a buff to ballistics and missiles.
The way I see it, the choice is either:
Rebalance PPCs, ER PPCs, Er Large Lasers, Large Pulse Lasers, Medium Pulse Lasers and Small Pulse Lasers
Make DHS real DHS, and rebalance small, medium and maybe large lasers.
I dunno, the latter seems almost easier.
Edited by MustrumRidcully, 10 December 2012 - 07:45 AM.