Nightcrept, on 05 December 2012 - 05:45 PM, said:
Uneducated post. LRMS cannot be aimed. Now they cannot get a lock at all. So LRMS are non-viable. So try making your guns deal no damage.
LRMs CAN in fact be aimed a bit while dumbfiring, they will fire where you aim them like EVERY other non-lock weapon....... then again, you did state your post was uneducated before you made it *shrug*
All I'm hearing on the other side of this argument is wah wah wah missiles aren't the best option for their weight hands down anymore.... Too bad? Perhaps now their damage needs to be adjusted a bit as I've stated before, but they are FAR from useless, either counter the enemy ECM and go to town, go after mechs without COUNTER MEASURES to missiles, as is stated in its name.... or learn to carry an assortment of weapons, guess what, SRMs have been 100% UNAFFECTED by ECM, they never required a lock to begin with.... perhaps you should start carrying some of those instead of boating SSRMs or LRMs?
The Devs have stated that they want to detour people from boating weapons, this is an excellent step in that direction, now you can either choose to utilize other hardpoints/weapon systems, or you can be rendered useless when you come up against a mech designed to counter the ONE weapon system you decided to carry on the field.
Boating is a great tactic, I'm all for it, I've boated streaks, I've boated lasers, I've even tried boating LRMs, the key is, and it's being more enforced now, is if you're going to boat, you can't go out alone and expect results, learn to stick with your group. Guess what, they have the ability to have ECM too, which levels the playing field completely, ECM only gets lopsided when you have a mech with ONLY targeting required weapon systems, and even then, only if you were DUMB enough to move away from your lancemate that had an ECM capable of countering the opponents...
Edited by Ehrithane, 05 December 2012 - 07:04 PM.