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Ecm Makes Lrms Useless Is A Big Fat Myth

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#141 Royce Mathers


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 05:50 PM

I do think with the introduction of both the nerf to lrms and the introduction of ECM the price of LRM reloading needs to come way down. Th price to reload is way too high compared to what you get now. What with Gauss cats running round.

Streak pults are still good cause they can counter themself. But LRMs are too expensive for the nerfs they now have

#142 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 05:52 PM

here's a genuine just off the presses experience.

i use laser boats and the odd ppc, fav weapons but to mech tree the awesome i had to pick a third chasis and it was the missle varient... the worst choice i ever made.

i've just comefrom a match where i happily made over 250 damage, sad thing is that it came from laser use not missles as i was only able to fire my missles off 6-7 times through out the whole match. my back up 2 med lasers got the work out of their life tangling with an autocannon catapult and some dragon. half of my missles missed cause the lock on cut out halfway through the flight and one cataphract i could get ran staright for the ecm unit. ecm is like putting cover all over the map and it's hopeless when the raven sits by you and laughs cause you've only got 2 lasers to defend yourself in what's rapidly turning into a brawl match.

lrm,s are dead weight for the team and a joke, i will try to avoid using them like the plague and the fact that in an non ecm match we could easily out flank 3 and decimate the team just goes to show even without ecm, they're useless. TAG? it's become manditory to carry one and does no good for all the cover and interfereence the terrien and ecm causes, also you look like a goof standing there using one which everyone homes in on for a kill like bees to necta. only lights can sneak in use it and get out before everyone blasts it to shreads so you have to work really hard and have very favorable conditions to use tag effectivly. ecm how ever you equipe and forget, kinda like the one button skilless weapon i heard so many people whining about before...

btw dumb fire is really dumb, lrms are so slow a pensioner could step out the way, and all this recomendation for dumbfire at 200-300m totally defeats the purpose of them beeing a LONG range weapon.

Lrms are dead, long live lrms.

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 06 December 2012 - 06:00 PM.

#143 Baed


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 08:48 PM

I like the fact that the ECM scrambles the enemy radar at close range. That's a nice function and a useful ability. However the blanket cover effect for my own team is terribly stupid.

A better fix would be to have it jam mech in close range and add a longer lock on time for the mech who has it equiped. If it only affected mech within the 180 meters then it would make sense. It's designed to fuddle with the radar of mechs in close range. So why does it act as a stealth shield for everyone else?

You coud put it on a scout mech and have them charge at the LRM boats. They get within 180 meters and block them from targetting anything. That would introduce strategies to the game but the stealth bubble effect just makes people cluster on the ECM boat. That's not strategy, it's stupidity, but the current game mechanics make it the ony viable way to win. At least until the ECM mechs are dead. Then it's the same old game again.

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