Elizander, on 06 December 2012 - 09:41 PM, said:
This much is expected. Of course some teams just can't get 8 people together so they drop in groups of 2-4 while waiting but you can't expect everyone to maintain their 8-man attitude when facing teams that are competitive. The matches are more tiring if you try for the win and a lot of teams prefer to run a mix of mechs rather than going for the "Most ECM Mechs in a Team" award.
Even without ECM and the Atlas, I still expect a lot of 8-man teams to break down once they hit a wall in terms of opponent's they can't beat. Some teams are just not able to get past the plateau of pug stomping (I'm not generalizing all premades here, mind you).
I'm thinking that 8 man mode is better suited to a WoW-style arena with ratings and rewards for further incentives, though that usually leads to win trading once the top teams thin out and it's easier to fix up matches late at night.
All good points. I do a mix of 8 man, 4 man and PUG drops. And truth to tell, 8 man are the least fun. Not due to losing, which happens, but also happens when Pugging, and on 4 mans. But due to the ridiculous level of "serious gamer" min/maxing, 6 DDC/2 Cicada or 4 DDC/4 Raven rush stomp groups.
One of my biggest gripes in ANY format was certain weapons and items leading to trends, especially trends that obsolete all teh Canon mechs. I like to be competitive, and to wwin, or at least lose the good fight. But I play because I love Battletech. And right now the "Pro-Gamer" crowd has 8 man hardly looking like Battletech, or even half *** MW4. Only mediums you see are Cicadas. Only lights are ECM Commandos and Ravens. Etc.
I will give credit to a few groups who have found ways to sneak in Streak-A-Pults and such creatively, and my own unit has been pretty good at using LRMs even with ECM, but the Ninja Caps TBH, are just BORING.
I would rather PUG and lose, and have variety, then see the same 3-4 min/maxxed builds every match. 8 man is not 100% broken, but without any sort of weight balancing, I do find it caters too much to the cheese crowd. If I have to run my group with 6 DDC to succeed, I gotta admit, I am not really interested. Winning in itself is not the fun. Winning or even losing a tough match, can be but only if you aren't forced into a narrow set of builds to succeed. So far most matches have been a stomp, with Either my guys rolling them, or them rolling us, but very few good, long, drawn out fights.
That said, like the din of complaints for virtually everything else, I figure at some point we will see some balance introduced, so when I have enough Unit members on for 8, I will drop 8, when I have enough for 4, 4, and if not, I will PUG.