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It's just awful!

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Poll: The horror! (353 member(s) have cast votes)

Which is the worst Mech ever?

  1. UrbanMech (the trash can) (118 votes [33.43%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.43%

  2. Charger (popgun pretender) (123 votes [34.84%])

    Percentage of vote: 34.84%

  3. Other (please explain) (112 votes [31.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 31.73%

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#221 JzT Dolomite


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 06:31 AM

View PostVictor Morson, on 14 May 2012 - 04:42 PM, said:

The Urbanmech is a brutal 30 tonner that can easily, when used right, be a powerful wildcard.

The Charger is underrated. It has some devastating combat variants and even it's infamous 5 small laser one is very cheap for the BV and a great kick machine.

My vote? Hands down, the one that is the least used tournament 'mech which has the worst damage of it's entire weight class: The Dragon. Worse yet there's an hilarious version with an AC/2 instead of a 5; you also can't forget one of it's otherwise somewhat redeeming medium lasers fires backwards. It's a terrible 'mech.


You've obviously never seen one used effectively. In a city environment (hence their name) being able to round the corner with a 360-degree firing AC/20 can make it absolutely devastating. In the T2 category, the Urbanmech that sports a RAC/5 is brutal in the city and rocky terrain as well.

Urbanmechs are very powerful without even considering mods. They really only are terrible if you're using an AC/2 or 5 model, or are trying to fight in open environments where they can't close. That said, on a BV for BV price, a company of urbies is worth about a lance of assaults or less and they can almost always close in and win. Urbanmechs are good at what they do, but they don't do everything.

As a side note, the Charger has some devastating variants that don't even use XL. The CGR-SB (4 Large Lasers and 1 Medium) is one of the best assault 'mechs in 3025.

Despite his disclaimer he's obviously trolling. Nobody could justify the Madcat being low tier, let alone bottom tier.

Really the Shadow Hawk and Dragon should be on the poll. The Shadow Hawk is just horrendous, barring a few later-day variants, too.

I have seen a Urbie used effctively.....till someone decides to stop humoring the player and just destroy him. I have gone against the Urbie in tabletop and in video games and that thing is just bad. Like someone said once "You cant polish a **** or a Urbie"

Edited by JzT Dolomite, 06 June 2012 - 06:32 AM.

#222 Doomsday


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 06:57 AM

You guys realize teh Charger is a "super-scout" right? to go into the most heavilly defended places and scout and then come back, which it always does. Does you guys ever "read" the TRO's?

UrbanMech is also misunderstood. It is a City Only 'Mech. the low speed is from the TT version so that it will never skid. AC armament is so that it wont start fires in the city its defending. Sinking in yet?

If you use anything outside it intended role, it is less effective and often fatal. This is why the Combine (Kurita) disdains the use of medium 'Mechs- from the forums i'm guessing people don't know this- because they cannot fill a specific role better than one specifically made for that role. Kuritans fight a specific way, this is also why, in the future, they make extensive use of the C3 systems.

#223 AlanEsh


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:21 AM

Hoplite is pretty sucktastic.

#224 Sassori


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:32 AM

View PostCik, on 06 June 2012 - 05:34 AM, said:

how do i into double blind? how do i into city terrain? how do i into infantile forum whoring? my god you are annoying, i resisted telling you that for the first 3 pages, but there it is. it's an ambush 'mech. if you can't ambush, of course it doesn't work.

LOL You're funny. It's still worthless, no matter how much you want it to be cool.

There is a saying that the truth hurts so I guess I'll give you a pass on thinking they're annoying. I also find it amusing you had to wait for the first three pages to reply to something I said almost a month ago. *Golfclaps* Here's a cookie.

P.S. Nothing you can say will ever make the Urbanmech anything but terribad. When your only defense is the /OPTIONAL/ double blind rule there's no benefit to it in normal game play. In a city something with jump jets is far superior to 2/3 every single time so it doesn't even excel there. Sorry. Here have another cookie.

#225 Mason Storm


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:51 AM

Mackie.... sure it was the first and a breakthrough at it's time but there was no limitation on time period.



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:55 AM

The 3025 Charger is crap with the Small Lasers, but they turn it around later.

The 3025 Hussar is pretty crap. If it gets hit with anything, something is getting blown off.

Edited by PANZERBUNNY, 06 June 2012 - 08:56 AM.

#227 Aym


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 09:01 AM

View PostDarius Bloodblayde, on 14 May 2012 - 04:41 PM, said:

Whoever said Madcat sucked, should be kicked in the bag, as far as I'm concerned Madcat is one of the most powerful and versatile mechs in the Mechwarrior game....

And queue the Mary Sue theme... Perhaps it being, fast, armoured, well armed, and the very essence of why Clan-Tech seems counter-intuitive and mary-sue'ish is why he mentioned the MadCat...

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