Yep, the mice played. I normally like to PM individuals whom I put a warning level on their account, however, there are plenty to go around in this thread, and I think you know who you are.
As Kooroush Azartash so politely stated a few posts up, there's alot of information to take in on the forums , and sometimes people just dont or cannot take the time to look over it all.
There are going to be many ,MANY new individuals coming to the forums for the first time over the next few months, and I honestly look forward to spreading the Mechwarrior/Battletech universe to the uninitiated.
I'd take 1 new, inquisitive, passionate forum user , over 5 old guard elitists any day. Beware how you treat new forum users lads and lasses.
Patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait. For those who are helpful and patient, I thank you, and know that we are watching.
Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct and the Posting Etiquette guidelines.
Let's remember the old adage "If you can't say something nice......" The forums are here for discussion, and conjecture. That being said , please don't feel obligated to post on every thread, especially those you may not agree with, or you cannot genuinely say it's helpful to the conversation.
Locked. (You may have posted first Nakir , but I got the lock in first! WOOT! Race you to Bans and Warnings... GO)