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Mad Cat

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#61 Wraith01


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 05:14 AM

There are a lot of new members coming in, and i'm one of them, they will ask lots of q's as they are not familiar with BT.
Or even that it has a board game history. so may not even think about looking for ages finding the right thred.

Make them feel welcome.

there are no stupid questions
there are only stupid people

can we drop the derogetory "noob" rubbish? sounds all 14 year old xbox player, we are all noobs here as none of us has actualy played the game.

Edited by Wraith01, 15 May 2012 - 05:35 AM.

#62 Kooroush Azartash


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 08:03 AM

View PostFACEman Peck, on 14 May 2012 - 06:15 PM, said:

Oh my GOD. :lol:

Do people NOT know how to go through forums just a LITTLE bit, to find out stuff? I didn't know a whole lot about the BT universe outside of MW4 Mercs, and so I looked through this site, and talked a little bit to the fanboys here, and I now have a fair knowlege base for the stuff that will be in game. Sarna helped. A LOT. This topic has been done to death, and many have been locked and/or deleted just because of the fact people can't go through and look for stuff, they just want everything delivered to them on a plate. Lazy mother f**kers.

There. Now take a half hour and look through the forums, and while you're doing that, go to www.sarna.com and research stuff you have seen in the forums and aren't too sure about it.

I hope that helped. Too bad they don't make a face icon thing that has that one rage comic face that has a hand on the chin and does a sky stare, like you're thinking. Hard. :)

Man, I understand that there is plenty of info explaining the setting of this game, but if we want to foster an atmosphere to bring in and expand the battletech fanbase, we should be a little more patient. Some people are just unaware of all the lore or may be a little confused about the timeline. MadCat/Timber Wolf is an iconic mech that has been around well since I was in elementary school. So, it can be a little understandable that someone might not realize it doesn't take place in this setting.

#63 sng ign


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 08:29 AM

This thread should have "TIMBERWOLF" prefixed before it.

#64 Tarellond


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 08:40 AM

View PostHawks, on 14 May 2012 - 10:02 PM, said:

Personally I hope we never get Clan tech

My hopes are the very opposite.

The thing is, i allways prefered clan mechs. You know i sucked with them hard at first? Really, they were supperior, but for a long time i was highly effective in IS mechs rather than clan mechs. Sill i enjoyed them more and do so even now, when i can say i can handle them appropriately. Reasons are simple. IS mechs are hidious. In IS mechs i see that old 80'-90' stink of Power rangers and similar sci-fi attitude in TV series, huge humanoid robots kicking each other where it hurts. Clan mechs are different. They accept being "just" weapon platforms, don't pretend to be the most ultimate and intimidating weapons, they don't even bother to pretend to be as humanoid as possible. They are stylish, design is epic and are very good at the very specific role they are build for. Not so versatile as IS chassis, but still nice and strong.
I really hope to see them ASAP.

#65 Joe Mallad


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 08:47 AM

View PostMcScwizzy, on 14 May 2012 - 06:02 PM, said:

You will not see those 'Mechs for a while. Since both of them are 3055+ tech? Somone correct me if I am wrong. This game is taking place in the year 3049 before the Clan invasion. So there will be no clan tech available for a while.
Actualy... The mad cat mkll is not produced till 3066 and the cougar is not produced till 3058. So I'm going to say its safe to say we will not see either of these mech any time soon lol

#66 Nakir

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 09:02 AM

Mad Cat is one of the greatest exponents of clan mechs .Has not been announced the output of the clans to release.Like all of us, you just have to wait for future developments of this game.I'm sure there will be pleasant surprises for all .Topic closed.

#67 Helmer


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 09:04 AM

Yep, the mice played. I normally like to PM individuals whom I put a warning level on their account, however, there are plenty to go around in this thread, and I think you know who you are.

As Kooroush Azartash so politely stated a few posts up, there's alot of information to take in on the forums , and sometimes people just dont or cannot take the time to look over it all.

There are going to be many ,MANY new individuals coming to the forums for the first time over the next few months, and I honestly look forward to spreading the Mechwarrior/Battletech universe to the uninitiated.

I'd take 1 new, inquisitive, passionate forum user , over 5 old guard elitists any day. Beware how you treat new forum users lads and lasses.

Patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait. For those who are helpful and patient, I thank you, and know that we are watching.

Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct and the Posting Etiquette guidelines.

Let's remember the old adage "If you can't say something nice......" The forums are here for discussion, and conjecture. That being said , please don't feel obligated to post on every thread, especially those you may not agree with, or you cannot genuinely say it's helpful to the conversation.

Locked. (You may have posted first Nakir , but I got the lock in first! WOOT! Race you to Bans and Warnings... GO)

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