Shroomicide, on 12 December 2012 - 09:14 AM, said:
If RoF was lowered without anything else, trial mechs would have a much rougher time. A new person is going to think their mech is made for firing its weapons as soon as it can in the heat of a battle. This will just lead to even more shutdown kills.
Not to mention Ballistic weapons which have almost no heat restrictions. An AC20 cat or a Gauss Cataphract could literally kill an Atlas in 4-5 hits. As it stands, AC20s and Gauss rifles have a recycle time of 4 seconds. They can already murder medium mechs easily, and if not for RoF, would kill a Hunchback coming around a corner before it could retreat. Also? SRM 6 Catapults. Recycle time of 4, and that's 90 damage per shot. They could kill an Atlas in roughly 4-5 shots at a distance, given random distribution, and in only 2-3 at close range.
Energy weapons would also just run much hotter. Sure, they could dish out more damage quickly, but that wouldn't help the heat efficiency. They would have to run from battle every few seconds to recharge their heat. Any given ballistic/missile build doesn't have to do that. At the very least they don't have to do it often.
However, I do like the idea of 2.0 DHS. You can read any of my previous posts for my reasoning on this.
I believe with "Lowering ROF" he meant lowering the rate of fire, as in firing more slowly. So an AC/20 might fire only every 6 seconds.
I have dug out Mechwarrior 4 again, and I found the fire rates there a tad bit low sometimes. THere are weapons with 6 to 7 second recycle times. But they aren't married to damage per shot values from the table top in MW4 - weapons deal the damage and heat they need to deal for their weight, range and cycle time. You could keep the current cycle times in MW:O, and just lower the damage and heat per shot so the overall damage is still the same as the table top stats was over a 10 second turn (with exceptions and divergence wherever weapons were or are imbalances. The AC/2 for example was never balanced for its weight - it would need to be an AC/4, e.g twice the damage output, to justify its weight.)
Edited by MustrumRidcully, 12 December 2012 - 12:35 PM.