I saw this guy do some thing awesome while spectating from his point of view. It was down to the wire on River City when a hunchback and Yen Lo Wang were defending their base. They finish off a commando leaving my team with one guy left. It's Nevermore in a cat A1 LRM boat.
Nevermore223 charges in from across the river in his LRM boat cat A1. I thought he was nuts. He fires off some missiles and quickly gets into min range with in the cap zone with the hunchback. Of coarse I thought the guy was dead meat.
He gets into a shoving match with the HBK-G4. The hunch is pretty torn up from heavy fighting in the match, yet still has all his weapons. That AC20 is banging away at him. Nevermore223 stops back peddling and slams his mech forward at full throttle. At about 50m or so he hits his jump jets and smashes into the hunchback with his legs. The cockpit windshield just erupts in smoke and sparks from the hunchback. He freaking killed the thing with a DFA!

I start laughing my *** off. My friend and I start cheering him on over the all chat channel. Nevermore223 then turns around to face the Yen Lo Wang that has been shooting him with med lasers the whole time. He charges the Wang. Unbelievably the Wang turns around and runs. The guy still had all his weapons and he turns and runs.

Nevermore223 then chases the Wang around the giant capo-chino machine/oil rig in the cap zone. He does this for about three laps before the Wang pilot finally turns around to fight. Mean while those of us in the spectating peanut gallery are hollering for another DFA.

As you expect the Wang pilot finished him off. But man that was a great fight.
I thought the forums need more positive threads. We have enough BS on them.

Edited by Dirus Nigh, 09 December 2012 - 01:35 AM.