Alexander 1978, on 18 December 2012 - 06:48 AM, said:
If I may, I'd like to throw some rather noobish questions in here.
How is the UAC/5 going to fire if you keep the button pressed? Or better how was it before the in posts mentioned "jam bug" showed up?
In a Atlas-D for example with lets say 2x UAC/5.
When I put them in one weapon group and on chainfire. Will they fire one after the other without jamming when I keep the fire button pressed or will they try to double fire every cycle and most likely jam after a few shots?
That would be nice to know and maybe even a workaround for the double-fire-bug. Just keep the button pressed a little bit longer then usual maybe then It does not count as a double tap.
Alexander 1978
The chainfire only works with 3 UAC5. Meaning, with 3 UAC on chainfire it cycles through each weapon with a single fire, by the time you get through the third weapon 1.1+ seconds have passed. So you can have a constant stream of UAC 5 slugs in the air with zero chance of jam.
With less than 3 it takes less than 1.1 second to go through the weapon group.
Adding a ML does nothing but slow the chain down if you have less than two. Might be able to try other weapons with shorter duration.
With an ilya with 3 UAC5 in one group on chainfire and 3 ML in another group on chainfire (heat management 4tw) you can stand toe to toe with an atlas, if your aim is good. You will be hurt after if he is good, but odds are he goes down first.