Mackman, on 07 January 2013 - 10:12 AM, said:
Why is it cheating? Why is anyone comparing this to an aimbot?
I agree that it is not the same as an aimbot........
Let's go "in-universe" for a second... wouldn't all the smart pilots control their UAC's in such a fashion? Playing a game is all about finding the optimum firing style, and he's found it.
I disagree here. There is no mention of any devices like this "in-universe". There is some fire control but those come in the form of slave units like
C3 that coordinate fire between units equipped with c3. Which I do believe will be coming to this game.
Also, if your going to "compare" this to "Real" in universe, you cant because how software reacts to hardware under stress can be very bad a very inconsistent. In this game, software is talking to software under zero stress and will always do as programmed. I could go on about this but ill leave it there.
And optimum style? This is not style or form or just about a cool build. Builds are within the given frame work. I hate K2 Gausapults, but its in the framework of the game. Its the way in which he is leveraging it. More about that below.....
Is it a terrible system? Yes, obviously. But given the system, is he cheating? No, of course not.
Again I disagree, although not with as much venom as many people do here. When you cheat, you do things to circumvent a system and set of rules that are there to govern a process. You bend or break the rules to get a desired effect that will benefit you. You gain an advantage that not everyone else has. its a deception of true skill or prowess.
PGI has designed this game to play a certain way (weather you agree with how well you think they have done this is not part of this discussion) so that it is fun for everyone to play and to some degree realistic. They have created certain game mechanics that the OP has decided he cannot work with if he wants to win. So he devised a very clever way of doing so. Now as mentioned before, I dont think there was any malice on the part of the OP as he felt he was doing other a service by showing them the light.....which is cool. But it still does not change the effect of what he is doing: He is creating an advantage for himself outside of the structured rules and mechanics of the game, and in a way that most people here cannot recreate because they do not have the access to things like a Razor mouse that you can program. It is now an un-level playing field. If I were to square off against him in the exact same mech, I would automatically be at a disadvantage, but not because of skill.
But then again.....anyone playing as the IS in the next year will be feeling that pain once the munchie clans hey....may this will help IS players get used to getting whooped by the clans :-)
As for the "you're making it easier, so you're cheating" crowd... how far do you want to take that? Should we all go back to the little ball mice, since laser mice are more precise and thus "easier"? Should we enforce joystick usage, since using a mouse at all is "easier"? Your argument, as it is, is practically non-existent: it can be applied to any aspect of playing this game optimally, and is therefore invalid.
Valid argument but bad comparisons. First off many people feel joysticks are better then mice if you understand them and know how to use them. Second, I dont know how many actual "ball" mice are out there any more. Most new systems come with laser mice now, even the el-cheapos at Best Buy and Walmart.
But I agree with you that It is a slippery slope when we talk about methods of playing the game and what is perceived as "easier". I think a good rule of thumb is: Is what your doing creating a competitive advantage, outside of the given rules and framework? Is this something anyone else can do given the same basic resources.
Look, if this was real life were life and death was at issue, I would not argue the fact that you gotta do what ya gotta do to get the competitive advantage. But this is a game where its about having fun. Aimbots and things that people use to give them an advantage that most people can get and is outside of the rules or given framework just make it less fun weather Im winning or losing. They ruin the gaming landscape for everyone else, and then people don't want to play and then the game goes away.
Maybe its just me, but I dont have any fun if I have to resort to backdoors and "cheats" in order to win. Id rather get whooped and have fun with my friends and play within the frame work. Can it be frustrating? yea, but then again...its just a game. if I find I'm stressing over this game, them I'm playing it for the wrong reasons.