Kasiagora, on 23 December 2012 - 12:51 AM, said:
Yes but with proper damage and physics. There were too many bad players who'd intentionally tackle you in their trial Jenners instead of trying to use their weapons because they sucked too hard to learn the game.
Your tears, they are so salty-sweet. Nevermind that players in trial Jenners doing that were as rare as hen's teeth, unless you're referring to the occasional trial mech pilot that lost all it's weapons and figured he may as well go out fighting.
I mean, when I'd be piloting an Atlas and some guy in a light mech blatantly aims for me as I'm trying like hell to avoid getting knocked over and he gets up and keeps doing it again and again, and remaining stationary does nothing to help me stay on my feet? That sucked and was one of the only times I've gotten angry playing this game.
And then you woke up and the bed was all wet? MAYBE if the Jenner jump jets while all the stars in the entire universe are aligned, it MIGHT achieve a mutual knockdown- I've heard of it happening on insanely rare bigfoot-riding-a-unicorn-out-of-a-ufo-that-has-landed-on-the-loch-ness-monster occasions, but in all of my ramming career (which is quite extensive, both in and out of MWO
) I have NEVER seen it happen. Not once. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% of the time the Jenner gets knocked on it's *** and then gets alpha striked in a critical area. GG no RE.
If a 35 tonner slams into a 100 ton mech at 140kph, that thing should take some substantial damage.
There should be a penalty to ramming and that penalty should be something that you might consider accepting if the occasion calls for it.
Agreed, although the use of the word "penalty" betrays the flow of your salty-sweet tears.
I'm still pissed at those ********.
Mmmm, delicious. Salty-sweet, laced with hallucinogens.