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I'm In Love With The Cataphract

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#41 Rhent


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Posted 13 December 2012 - 06:45 AM

View PostThe Cheese, on 13 December 2012 - 12:50 AM, said:

If you use a phract as an LRM boat, you're doing it wrong.

Other than that, yeah, it's pretty damn versatile. I actually don't find it to be all that great as a close up brawler though, due to the limited arm movement.

With a standard engine though, it can take a hell of a pounding.

The 2X as a LRM allows:

-You can shoot around cover by barely putting your left arm out not exposing yourself to fire, unlike the cat that has its arms exposed over its head, which are easy targets.
-The small launcher tube allows you to fire a long snaking stream of LRM's. Once alerts were put into the game for missiles, players take cover almost immediately. Because players aren't use to long LRM streams, they take cover for a second and then pop out when they hear a missile hit. You can almost immediately reaquire target and watch the tail of the stream of missiles hit. You can't do that with Catapult.
-You can put tag in your right arm and then run and turn as you are running away keeping TAG on target with your arm aiming reticle while firing LRM's. -NOTE, there was a modelling problem that caused the Cataphract to have their Torso turn greatly limited, it will be fixed soon, so the Cataphract will have close to the Cat's turn around ability.

I run CAT LRM boats and CATAPHRACT LRM Boats, and the snaking LRM trail works a lot better with alerts now.

#42 Mr 144


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Posted 13 December 2012 - 06:52 AM

View PostRhent, on 13 December 2012 - 06:45 AM, said:

.....and the snaking LRM trail works a lot better with alerts now.

People who have ran with me know my AWS-9M cheese 'firehose' build....it started as a joke, but I've kept it. The 'snake' you speak of works very well in the current meta...not often...not always...but when it does, it kills. Is it OMG uber-awesomesauce?...no it's not...is it worth it's tonnage/hardpoint comaped to an SRM6...yes. The CTF-2X is no different. I would say 1 in 3 matches I get a kill soley from the 'firehose'...be it 9M or 2X...not bad for a secondary weapon system.

Mr 144

Edited by Mr 144, 13 December 2012 - 06:54 AM.

#43 Rhent


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Posted 13 December 2012 - 07:07 AM

View PostMr 144, on 13 December 2012 - 06:52 AM, said:

People who have ran with me know my AWS-9M cheese 'firehose' build....it started as a joke, but I've kept it. The 'snake' you speak of works very well in the current meta...not often...not always...but when it does, it kills. Is it OMG uber-awesomesauce?...no it's not...is it worth it's tonnage/hardpoint comaped to an SRM6...yes. The CTF-2X is no different. I would say 1 in 3 matches I get a kill soley from the 'firehose'...be it 9M or 2X...not bad for a secondary weapon system.

Mr 144

The arms on the 2X are too low to fire SRM6's properly in City in the water, you can just watch half the missiles not make it out.

#44 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 13 December 2012 - 08:34 AM

My favorite phract is the IM with twin gauss and three medium lasers. She is slow, but can take a beating and hits like she has three gauss. People complain about convergence in the arms but it is only an issue sub 150 meters anyways. I've tried ACs and just do not care for them, and absolutely detest people who run AC spam builds. It isn't the knock back that ****** me off so much as the sound and the way the viewport darkens to black making accurate return fire more difficult then it should. Usually doesn't stop me one on one however.

I like the survivability and weapon placements in the 4X as you can zombie it, but the actual placement of the like weapon ports on the others (excluding the IM) did not sit well with me.

#45 M0rpHeu5


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Posted 13 December 2012 - 10:33 PM

My X2 has

-An engine that makes it go 54km/h
-Max Armor (Maybe exept 0,5 tones removed from both legs)
-Rest DHS

-2 PPC for chainfire
-1 ERPPC for close/long range and punishment in case someone stays still (aplha strike)
-2 steaks for the fast fellas (and the slow) 1 tone of ammo couse it's too expensive

#46 Mr 144


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Posted 14 December 2012 - 03:05 AM

Why the F*%$ would this thread, discussing various builds for the cataphract, be moved to MWO/Forums/Off Topic/Off Topic Discussions ?

The Forum Police are getting a tad out of hand me thinks...

Mr 144

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