Canzara, on 24 May 2012 - 08:28 AM, said:
This is my first intel CPU in almost 10 years. If thats how you would describe a fanboy, while OKILY DOKILY.
BD is selling well because some people would rather pay 50 bucks less for a subpar product, then to get thier money's worth. I'm not one of them.
A Fanboy LMAO thats soooo hilarious.
I HOPE that AMD starts to compete again, but right now, they are not and I have very little hope at this point since they're recent announcements on CPU roadmap.
Oh ya, are you aware of Intels overclocking warranty?
Lets see AMD offer that and then come talk to me about how long they last in comparison.
Again, don't take it so personally, I'm not brand loyal to ANYONE...I buy whats best for the money at the time and right now the i5 is the best price performance you can get HANDS DOWN.
FX-4170 vs i5 (quad - quad) [color="#ffa504"]http://compare-proce...-i5-2500k/3542/[/color] (25% faster Intel, 50% more expensive Intel CPU [$70] vs AMD, $80-90 more expensive system Intel vs AMD CPU)
FX-8120 vs i5 (value - value) [color="#ffa504"]http://compare-proce...-i5-2500k/4373/[/color] (AMD 5% faster performance vs Intel, Intel 15% faster gaming vs AMD, Intel 33% more expensive [$50] vs AMD, $60-70 more expensive system Intel vs AMD CPU.)
Math good sir, math. The i5 is the best gaming performance within a resonable value you can get, but AMD still has about a 25% price versus performance lead here according to the math. And let's not forget, in most real world scenarios, most people won't see a single difference between newer CPUs, unless they're obsessively heavy multitasking, in which case AMD has a lead due to it's larger core count.
And yes, I know of Intel's overclocking warranty. too bad all their processors which can overclock are $200+, when that extra $50+ warranty could go to a better graphics card instead, which would get better frame rates in modern games versus the faster CPU anyhow.
And does AMD even have the money to offer such a warranty? Let's not forget this;

Intel puts more money each year into R&D alone than AMD made in the entirety of last year. Kinda makes you wonder how AMD keeps up as well as it does.
- In its last fiscal year, Intel spent $6.6 billion on research and development. (2010) http://seekingalpha....-core-portfolio
Also, I apolagize for the using the term fanboy (which I had already edited out prior to your posting), however your seeming unwillingness to consider the percentages, or even try to figure the percentages on your own would suggest an inability to use simple logic. Value is a basis of percentages. Not a mystical figure that just one thing gets.
And I actually disagree, because in my opinion (and by percentages) the FX-8150 is not a good value, unlike it's next steps down, the FX-8120, 6200, and 4170.
Edited by Vulpesveritas, 24 May 2012 - 08:52 AM.