As stated several times by the developers, all mech weight groups are to be of equal value (for example, a Jenner is going to be just as useful as an Atlas). This is stated as an attempt to stop the grinding larger mechs and lead to a more equal environment, where a medium is as common as a heavy or assault.
The second point is that many people are under the opinion that in general, the lighter a mech is, the cheaper it will be (for example, a Jenner would be a fraction of the price of an Atlas). This makes sense due to material costs, and is in use in previous mechwarrior games and in the tabletop game.
In my opinion, this leads to a perceived discrepancy, where because of the assault mechs additional price tag many people will attempt to buy assaults more and avoid the lights. If this were to become commonplace then the same problem previous games had where everyone bought an assault (especially in multiplayer) would once again rear its head.
On the other hand, a heavier mech does use more materials, and therefore should cost more sence if you removed its armor, weapons and engine and sold them they would tend to be worth more than if you did the same with a lighter mech.
Beyond that, a heavier mech has more room when stripped, making it easier to modify as you want.
I myself am not sure how this should be handled (hence why this is in general discussion and not suggestions). I am hoping there is a way to balance this without making light mechs rare on the battlefield.
I have provided some possibilities in the poll, and if anyone has any other ideas please state them below.
Edit* I have added a poll option of having heavier mechs cost more for repairs. This would push players that cannot drive one well to pilot a lighter mech, but could still lead to many seeing an assault mech as an "end game" goal.
Edited by RobarGK, 16 May 2012 - 09:39 PM.