1.) LRM damage is fine, but LRM should not work as guided missiles. Lock them once, keep your target aimed all the time until they hit, ok. maybe let them follew the target a little bit (some few meters to adjust movement), but not lt them chase a mech round the blocks.
2.) SSRM lock on timer should be reset after firing. Most ideally, the re-log-on should only get possible when the next volley is ready to be fired (so that's basically prolonging the time needed between SSRM shots, making you stay more in the open and giving the opponent the chance to teach you not to hit him).
3.) ECM is a bit to powerful, agreed. There are some means to put an end to it:
- let it work against everyone inside the bubble (regardless from which team)
- let it prevent new lock-ons but not break already fired weapons' lock (which would, in regard of 1.) and 2.) does only mean that LRM still hit somewhere near the target and SSRM would remained locked)