Born on November 19, 3014, William Draven was born to a small family on Lum. His parents were killed when he was eight years old when Clan Coyote attacked Clan Snow Raven after the invasion calls from the Outbound Light. When he was brought the news, he was grief stricken, but the craving for Vengeance never really reached him. Instead he took his anger and pain from losing his parents and focused it into a combat-capable mentality, with excellent control over his emotions and excellent focus in battle. This drew the attention of some of the MechWarriors and other ranking members of Clan Snow Raven. He was also found to be quite adept at getting information. Even when he wasn't asking for it. Many started to notice that when he wasn't looking for information, people would just come up and give it to him anyway. Whether it was on his relationships, things being said about him, or whatever else. Many members of his clan noticed this. After all of his talents and abilities were measured, he was selected to become a MechWarrior.
As he grew up, he began to show a more than above average tactical capability and those who selected him were becoming rather happy with his development. With the training he received, William Draven has become somewhat known for his skill, but few really encounter or speak to him at length. In order to prevent himself from losing anyone else important to him, he has elected to live as a Lone Wolf for now while still keeping ties with the Snow Ravens. He occaisionally feeds them information on the state of the Inner Sphere and their technologies that he notices in the field, which in turn is fed to their allies. He tends to keep to himself, and while on his assignment as an undercover Lone Wolf Merc, he never really sticks around to talk much, not with Freebirths anyway. Perhaps one day, he will be able to return home to the clan, but as he is now, he works as a lone merc, occaisionally leading a team to victory, but he fights to live, but will die for none other than Clan Snow Raven because they raised him after his parents died, and showed him what he was worth.
((O.O.C. This is the backstory of my character for RP which can also be found on my about me section. I intend to expand upon this and tell my char's story in MWO, especially since the Clan Invasion will soon begin. For Clan Snow Raven!))

William Draven, The Wild Raven
Started by William Draven, Dec 18 2012 08:34 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 18 December 2012 - 08:34 PM
Posted 19 December 2012 - 03:00 AM
While his initial start as a Lone Wolf Merc was not easy due to lack of funds, equipment, and decent Battlemechs, William continued to persevere well enough to get something acceptable. He didn't like using Inner Sphere technology, but had no other choice. He got as comfortable as he could in the secondhand 'Mech he had managed to purchase, and proceeded to improve his standings in battle with the Inner Sphere Freebirths.
He continued to keep away from people in order to successfully continue his undercover mission and relay the necessary information to Clan Snow Raven. He couldn't help but laugh at how inferior the weapons and 'Mech designs were, but he also knew he was stuck using second-rate technology to maintain cover.
It bothered him that he couldn't fight with as much honor as he had been raised and trained with because these fools had no honor. So he was forced to live as a barbarian while carrying out his task. Some would consider his task an insult or other negative force in their lives, but William was neutral on it. It was a job that needed to be done, so he did it. Not to mention that it seemed to have a lot of potential in lucrative nature.
"I can not stand the fact that these idiots are the ones I have to deal with. Oh well, no point in wasting the information I can acquire here. As the Khan says, nothing should be wasted. And so it shall be. I shall send them anything and everything that seems useful. Well, anything I can send without being noticed." he said to himself, ripping open some meat jerky. "Do I want to know what this really is...?" he questioned. At least back home he knew where most of the food came from.
He opened a sealed, non-alcoholic beverage to have with his small meal, and shut and locked the cockpit of his 'Mech so he could eat in peace. Sure, it was off, but who would care that he was in it? He was only renting the hangar where he was on what he was managing to make per mission. He though often about how the Snow Ravens would recover from their most recent defeat at the hands of Clan Coyote. But then he remembered that his Clan had already survived one near-eradication.
Chances are the Khan and others would figure out some method to work with and survive dealing with the others. "Hmm, perhaps supply transportation?" he thought out loud as he continued eating the mystery meat. His BatttleMech was his home. He slept in it, drank in it, and during downtime, read or created artwork in it. However, one thing he would not stand for is to keep his space a mess. His cockpit was exceptionally clean despite what was done in it to survive. Perhaps the following day would provide a lucrative reward on contract and he could find something more acceptable to eat on the morrow...
He continued to keep away from people in order to successfully continue his undercover mission and relay the necessary information to Clan Snow Raven. He couldn't help but laugh at how inferior the weapons and 'Mech designs were, but he also knew he was stuck using second-rate technology to maintain cover.
It bothered him that he couldn't fight with as much honor as he had been raised and trained with because these fools had no honor. So he was forced to live as a barbarian while carrying out his task. Some would consider his task an insult or other negative force in their lives, but William was neutral on it. It was a job that needed to be done, so he did it. Not to mention that it seemed to have a lot of potential in lucrative nature.
"I can not stand the fact that these idiots are the ones I have to deal with. Oh well, no point in wasting the information I can acquire here. As the Khan says, nothing should be wasted. And so it shall be. I shall send them anything and everything that seems useful. Well, anything I can send without being noticed." he said to himself, ripping open some meat jerky. "Do I want to know what this really is...?" he questioned. At least back home he knew where most of the food came from.
He opened a sealed, non-alcoholic beverage to have with his small meal, and shut and locked the cockpit of his 'Mech so he could eat in peace. Sure, it was off, but who would care that he was in it? He was only renting the hangar where he was on what he was managing to make per mission. He though often about how the Snow Ravens would recover from their most recent defeat at the hands of Clan Coyote. But then he remembered that his Clan had already survived one near-eradication.
Chances are the Khan and others would figure out some method to work with and survive dealing with the others. "Hmm, perhaps supply transportation?" he thought out loud as he continued eating the mystery meat. His BatttleMech was his home. He slept in it, drank in it, and during downtime, read or created artwork in it. However, one thing he would not stand for is to keep his space a mess. His cockpit was exceptionally clean despite what was done in it to survive. Perhaps the following day would provide a lucrative reward on contract and he could find something more acceptable to eat on the morrow...
Edited by William Draven, 13 January 2013 - 06:54 PM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:25 PM
Through battle strength and tactical skill, William had begun to get noticed. Before long, he was contacted by a neutral mercenary corps known as the Legion of Steel. "So, I have been recognized? Very well. I shall fight with these mercenaries for the current time. As long as they recognize my position and don't try to get too close to me. I have yet to see how strong these mercenaries hold their ties to these Inner Sphere systems." He stated to himself, sitting inside his Centurion's cockpit as was his habit. Granted he was on the Legion's Dropship now, but he stayed in his 'Mech so he could carry out his mission for his clan.
He originally had no intentions of joining any local groups, but he was reminded of the wisdom of such a decision every time they dropped and worked as a team rather than a bunch of fools with a martyr's mentality. Teamwork was acceptable for him. It made his survival rate much higher, so he would form acquaintance-ships with these mercenaries for now. The time to the next drop was three days away, so he decided to work more on his artwork and other things. "So, patience is needed for now. Very well. I have my amusements with me." he said to no one in particular. He proceeded into a meditation for now. What's a little mental exercise going to hurt? He began to meditate on battles he had participated in, and on possible future battles. It was only a matter of time before his information would be used and the Purging would begin...
He originally had no intentions of joining any local groups, but he was reminded of the wisdom of such a decision every time they dropped and worked as a team rather than a bunch of fools with a martyr's mentality. Teamwork was acceptable for him. It made his survival rate much higher, so he would form acquaintance-ships with these mercenaries for now. The time to the next drop was three days away, so he decided to work more on his artwork and other things. "So, patience is needed for now. Very well. I have my amusements with me." he said to no one in particular. He proceeded into a meditation for now. What's a little mental exercise going to hurt? He began to meditate on battles he had participated in, and on possible future battles. It was only a matter of time before his information would be used and the Purging would begin...
Posted 06 January 2013 - 07:25 PM
His thoughts on the coming Clan Invasion had somehow managed to distract him just long enough to hear "Heat Level Critical, Core Critical, systems failing. Recommend ejection." as his BattleMech's computerized nag told him that he was possibly about to die.
"By the blood of the stars!!" William shouted into his commlink as his Centurion's core went critical. "I will not allow myself to die here in this second hand Inner Sphere trash!" he shouted, yanking the ejection handle. He was done in this battle, with nothing to make it back out, except his ejection seat. The pod launched upwards and his Battlemech exploded beneath him.
Once he had safely landed, he walked back to the base to get back into the Legion dropship. The crew started to talk to him but he walked right through them and stormed into the passenger compartment.
"Why did I have to lose that Mech?" he questioned to himself. He waited for the launch and return to orbit so he could gather what he needed to essentially recreate his Battlemech. This would not be a cheap venture, and the paint job would have to wait. after calming down enough to talk, he spoke to the Hangar chief and ordered a new version of his 'Mech. Upon arrival he would trade and buy as needed to work to rebuild it. But this time, the only painting he would pay for at first was the red trim and a new decal painted across the torso that simply said "Wrath" he actually named his Battlemech this time.
The time and funds were steadily deducted from his account as he continued to recreate the instrument of destruction he had grown so fond of. Once the work was done, he was stuck with a measly amount substantially less than what he had. He shrugged. His Battlemech was combat ready, and now was the time for rest, and artwork.
"By the blood of the stars!!" William shouted into his commlink as his Centurion's core went critical. "I will not allow myself to die here in this second hand Inner Sphere trash!" he shouted, yanking the ejection handle. He was done in this battle, with nothing to make it back out, except his ejection seat. The pod launched upwards and his Battlemech exploded beneath him.
Once he had safely landed, he walked back to the base to get back into the Legion dropship. The crew started to talk to him but he walked right through them and stormed into the passenger compartment.
"Why did I have to lose that Mech?" he questioned to himself. He waited for the launch and return to orbit so he could gather what he needed to essentially recreate his Battlemech. This would not be a cheap venture, and the paint job would have to wait. after calming down enough to talk, he spoke to the Hangar chief and ordered a new version of his 'Mech. Upon arrival he would trade and buy as needed to work to rebuild it. But this time, the only painting he would pay for at first was the red trim and a new decal painted across the torso that simply said "Wrath" he actually named his Battlemech this time.
The time and funds were steadily deducted from his account as he continued to recreate the instrument of destruction he had grown so fond of. Once the work was done, he was stuck with a measly amount substantially less than what he had. He shrugged. His Battlemech was combat ready, and now was the time for rest, and artwork.
Edited by William Draven, 13 January 2013 - 05:52 PM.
Posted 07 February 2017 - 05:59 PM
Here is a Link to the next Chapter:
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