Banky, on 26 December 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:
Dude... There are no repair costs anymore. The only reason to not go with both endo and FF is when your load outs don't leave the space for it. There's nothing "terrible" about that... Just free weight to put into an engine upgrade, more armor or whatever else.
I said "generally" and I stand by it. While some Flame builds might benefit from FF, those are a very small minority; due to the low number of non-Energy hardpoints, the vast majority of builds require significant space for extra DHS.
This is doubly valid considering the poster I replied to was concerned about space for an XL Engine. The only reason to install FF is if you're concerned about weight, and if that's the case, you'd normally prefer spending 6 slots to save 9.5 tons than spend 14 slots to save 1.5 tons. The difference in investment/gain is laughably immense (especially given that Dragons greatly mitigate the normal XL Engine vulnerability). You don't install FF and then complain that you don't have enough slots to install an XL Engine, that'd be insane.
Although... I am looking at trying more exotic builds right now. 4xLL is really, really good, but perhaps a bit too simple to use. Gets a bit boring after a while.