Mahws, on 27 December 2012 - 07:59 PM, said:
In fact, that's one of it's best bonuses (or, perhaps drawbacks): It's dramatic. You *NOTICE* getting hammered by an LB10x, and people pretty much always react.
I'd always rather hammer someone with an AC/10, where you're going to do much more damage to just one spot - but that's me. I hate lasers for the same reason, and the Medium and Large lasers are arguably the best weapon (by the numbers) in the game.
De La Fresniere, on 27 December 2012 - 06:50 PM, said:
I didn't really like Gauss and 4xML either, honestly. I found it required you to be too close. I've found that if I'm running Gauss, I want to be able to hammer at range for a bit first, to be sure I get good return on my investment. Get into a brawl, into MLAS range, and that Gauss becomes a vulnerability to some extent.
It's something I've spent some time pondering. You see a lot of discussion of the math of weapons, and mechs. But one of the best aspects of MWO is how differently some things behave in game, and how an individual players' strengths and weaknesses effect that. It's much like the MLAS/MPLAS debate: If you've got steady aim, the MLAS is unquestionably superior. If you can never hit anything with more than half the beam, though, the MPLAS is a far more effective weapon doing nearly three times the (effective) dps, for only one extra ton.
This allows some builds to be quite effective when they are generally viewed as junk. One could argue this is poor skill compensating for itself - better than nothing, but inherently limited. For example, the MPLAS player vs the MLAS player; the MLAS is more efficient, and in the hands of someone who can hit accurately is going to beat the accurate MPLAS player. However, these playstyle differences cascade into all sorts of other differences - increasingly varied mech loadouts, different piloting methods. Along this example, the MLAS player needs to stay "on target" longer, whereas the MPLAS player can me subtly more mobile, bringing his torso on target for half the time, taking getting full benefit from shots of opportunity that wouldn't be possible with the longer-firing MLAS. Practice hones these differences, leading to much more interesting gameplay overall. (*Not to side in the pulse-or-not debate as I don't like either, just as a random example)
Well, I'm rambling. It's just something I really like about MWO, the very different weapons and chassis behaviors.