Tolkien, on 01 January 2013 - 05:32 PM, said:
Lots of Numbers
This means that even with this small sample set I can state that ECM is a match decider with 97.9% certainty. The other way of stating this outcome is that you are 3.3x more likely to win the match if your side has a larger number of ECMs on your team. I expect this latter number to reduce with a larger data set, but so far ECM seems to be the best way of predicting the outcome of a match - I would gladly bet money using this.
Hello Mr.Tolkien,
thanks for the work you put into this. It's refreshing to say the least to see people base their deductions on facts instead of oppinions.
Even if those facts might only show a small fraction of whats going on:
a.) because they only cover a fraction of matches and
b.) because we (hopefully) deal with humans and not bots.
Before I explain the part about humans contrary to bots I'd like to state that I am aware about ECM being less than perfect and that PGI will have to either introduce better counters or lessen ECM's effect in some way. Personally I'd preffer the later part because I believe that even with C3 down a mech should still be able to target his LRMs if he himself is way out of ECMs reach. But thats a gut-feeling, not a scientific evaluation.
So back to bots and the human factor.
A bot crunches numbers: tonnage, speed, armament and such. After applying a formula there's usually a result along the lines of 1+1=2, 2>1 or the likes.
With humans things are usually not so simple. So 1 plus 1 does not always equal 2 and while 2 may be larger than 1 the smaller number still has a fighting chance. If it dosn't give in from the start because, come on, 2 > 1...right?
There are numerous scientific studies about a psychological effect called self-fulfilling prophecy.
Basically it goes like this:
If you have a strong expectation that something will happen you might, often unconsciously, work towards that end.
A strong believe to fail increases the chance of failure.
A strong believe of succcess increases the chances of success.
Right now what people believe most strongly in game seems to be "Biggest number of ECM equals victory".
Therefore people start the match counting ECMs and basing their expectations on the numbers they see on their side and somewhat later on the opponents side.
That fine and it's basically the same with LRMs, ACs Tonnage and whatsnot.
You want to know what your team can potentially bring to bear and you want to know the same thing about the enemy.
Only with what people have come to expect from ECM, wether it is true or not, people count their own numbers and go:
"Okay, we've got 1 ECM" (Example)
So they run around, meet the enemy and :
"Hurray, they've got no ECM, we win!" (Exibit A.)
"They've also got an ECM, no easymode for noone..." (Exibit B.)
"Oh my gosh, they got two or more ECM, we are soooo doomed! DOOOMED!!!" (Exibit C.)
Especially in the last case I've witnessed a lot of people only putting up token resistance and simply awaiting the outcome that they deem inescapable.
It is kind of hard winning a battle when faced with that kind of morale.
Now if this was Henry V i'd give a rousing speech and we'd be off "once more into the breach". But I'm sure by now you have noticed I'm anything but Shakespear. So that's not an option.
I let my weapons do the talking instead and more times than not I take some evil fiend with me to Hades. Who probably turns out to be my teammate in the next drop. But thats a different story.
I can, like you Mr. Tolkien, only talk about PuG battles with the occacional sprinkling of Premades. But from what I read in these forums the situation in the 8vs8 can't be much different.
"We've got 8 ECM and THEY got 8 ECM. We're dooomed! DOOOMED!!!" (Joke)
For my part, I think ECM is a powerful defence. Maybe too powerful sometimes. But you can't beat me just with ECM because it causes about as much direct Damage as BAP or TAG (to anything but the eye).
Like Terry Pratchet remarked in his wonderful book
Lords and Ladies: From the point of view of an arrow, chainmail is just a loose assortment of holes.
The same goes for my Autocannon and ECM.
Once more thank you for your hard work Mr.Tolkien,
may we meet in the dropzone soon.
Mudhawk Out
Some Links for SFP:
Edited by Mudhawk, 02 January 2013 - 08:47 AM.