I will take the Trebuchet as an example. Amongst all the extracted files you have awesome.cdf.
If you look at this text file you have a heap of lines for each body part. like below.
<Attachment AName="tbt_centre_torso" Type="CA_BONE" Rotation="0.70710677,8.5797047e-010,-0.70710671,-8.7725088e-010" Position="-5.0041115e-007,9.7251394e-011,10.983341" BoneName="Bip01 Spine2" Binding="objects/mechs/trebuchet/body/tbt_centre_torso.cga" Flags="0" Material="objects/mechs/trebuchet/body/trebuchet_body"/>
The key parts are the Attachment name=XXX" this isthe object name, Rotation ="X,X,X,X" THis is the rotation of the part in quaternions, and Position = X,X,X,X is the positition. You can use find/replace or a regular expression to go through and strip out the useless guff. Now if you are a clever cookie using blender you can import into excel to give you a nice table and setup some forumula merging some blender python code. THis will net you the result of below.
Example I cam doing the centre torso which is
tbt_centre_torso" Rotation="0.70710677,8.5797047e-010,-0.70710671,-8.7725088e-010" Position="-5.0041115e-007,9.7251394e-011,10.983341"
I merge it together in excel with formula to get this net result
"bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath =""K:\\Mechs\\Blender Projects\\trebuchet\\Extracted\\OBJ Parts\\7K\\tbt_centre_torso.obj"")
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.data.objects[""tbt_centre_torso""]
bpy.context.active_object.rotation_mode = ""QUATERNION""
bpy.context.active_object.rotation_quaternion = [0.70710677,0.00000000085797047,-0.70710671,-0.00000000087725088]
This can be copy and pasted into blenders python console. Now you wil encounter a few issues, a few of the mechs the CDF file might say "Centre torso" but the object file will be DRAGON_Centre_torso, so you just have to again in excel figure out what the prefix should be and just insert it. The 2nd problem with this script is it will fail on the few multi part objects, ie the cockpit, which when you import cockpit.obj will insert cockpit001 and cockpit002, the part that fails is the "objects.active" so what you do is find out which parts are skewy, parent 1 object to the other, then manualy select it and paste from rotation_mode line.
Hope that makes sense?? The key part is you can easily get the position and rotation and work from that into your workflow depending on your program of choice.
Edited by Tekadept, 27 May 2013 - 07:27 PM.