As Strum Wealh mentioned the whole point of streaks is ammunition conservation. The streak system it's self has a built in targeting computer to better calculate a firing solution with the mech's main computer. If a shot is bad it will safe the weapon and not fire.
In that light this is my proposal.
A streak system would have to have a modification on the lock on system. Instead of a lock on for an LRM the streaks would calculate a firing solution. The "lock on" signal would be when the streaks have a predetermaned probability to hit.
The game will calculate the flight path of the missiles. Factors such as speed of firing mech, speed of target, angle off attack, distance, and flight time of missiles are counted. If the missiles have a high percentage of hitting the target the streak gives the pilot a signal. The pilot fires. The pilot could hold the trigger down and the missiles would fire when the system has a high chance of hitting. I thinking an 85% chance or better is a good starting point.
Some things would have to change in order for this to work. Missile spread for streaks needs be very tight. Maybe some thing like an LB shot round but tighter. There would be a chance for some or all missiles to actually miss. The target might drop off a ledge while the missiles are in flight. The target could also make a sharp turn causing some missiles to miss, or duck behind cover.
The problem with the streaks is that the pilot does not have to aim the weapon at all. With this type of system, or some thing similar, the pilot still has to actually aim the weapon. It also makes it important wear the steak is located on the mech. An arm mounted streak would be more agile making it easier to aim while having the vulnerability of being in a limb. A torso mounted streak would have the stability and durability of a torso weapon, while being limited to the torsos range of motion.
Edited by Dirus Nigh, 21 December 2012 - 05:33 PM.