The PPC and ER-PPCs also seem to be generating a bit too much heat and like above, I've found new numbers that seem to work and have those going into test as well.
Because this is a very sensitive subject with you all, I am expecting these changes to appear early to mid January because I want to make sure that numerous Mech builds are thoroughly tested before releasing it to the Live servers.
I'll keep you updated as this progresses.
First, now that it sounds like you've settled on some numbers, can you distribute them so that we can have an intelligent discussion about it?
So here are the current "Bounds":
Heat is going to be Greater than or equal to : 7
He clearly states that he found new numbers so the caps are as follows:
LPL: 9
PPC: 9
ER PPC: 13
So this doesn't leave much room for maneuvering.. Thus they are likely to be something like:
ER LL: 8 (But will come with 3/4 the burn time of LLs, and gains 1 ton)
PPC: 8
ER PPC: 10
If this is the way it works out, each of hte weapons will have it's own "place" in the damage spectrum.
The LL: Remains the "Jack of All trades"
The LPL becomes the short range weapon of choice.
The ER LL: Becomes the beam Sniper weapon of choice.
The PPC: Becomes the Mid-range weapon of choice
The ER PPC: Becomes the Sniper weapon of choice.
Unfortunately, they are probably still going to run too hot for most people and because they are still bounded by LLs on the low end of the spectrum (he thinks those are fine), then we can't see much more improvement then this.
The fact of the matter is, even running 2xLLs for ranged combat is pretty heat intensive so if that's the lower bound of these weapons, we're still going to be running into heat issues. I suspect the changes won't be enough.
Edited by Pugastrius, 20 December 2012 - 12:53 PM.