Pr8Dator, on 21 December 2012 - 07:16 AM, said:
Personally, I think Clan mechs are cool, they are all my favorites but in view of how fun and strategic the current hardpoint system is, I have to go against my personal like for clan mechs and say no to clan tech. How about you?
With a great big BUT added to that tho......
I want to fight them. I want the Dev's to set up and Control the Invading Clans, and for the first year or so, have the Clan Mechs ONLY available to members of those "Clans". Then have them slowly trickle into GenPop, costing obscene amounts of MC ONLY for another year or so, then start being available for C-Bills after, but again for at least 4-5 times the cost of current "Level 2" tech mechs of the same weight class.
And all this is ONLY if they re-institute Repair and Re-Arm, with obscenely high costs for Clan Tech repairs, the need to replace any "destroyed" weapons with Inner Sphere stuff (initially).
Why? Because the glut of Lvl 2 tech has already rendered most variants of mechs and pretty much all "Stock" mechs as obsolete. If Clan Tech becomes readily and cheaply available, then it will instantly obsolete all Inner Sphere designs, PERIOD.
What good is taking the time to make and introduce all these Mechs if it will just instantly turn the game into ClanWarrior Online? And that doesn't even address the Meta, the canon reasons. (Clan Mechs were essentially unused by the Inner Sphere until after 3052, and then were few and far between. Most of those were mothballed or re-assigned to Research and Development when it became obvious that essentially no Mercs, and few House Units, could afford or even perform the maintenance and upkeep/repairs on these high tech designs. AFTER 3060, and the conclusion of Operation Bulldog/Serpent yielded up the treasures of Clan Smoke Jaguar, only then did they start to become "readily" available. And even then few Mercs drove them (unless won in battle) due to cost.)
So I had to vote NO, sadly, because virtually every move (I am assuming the Publishers have forced) since Open Beta has been to dumb this down, more and more to make it entirely for the casual FPS player, where soon the whole "Meta" will serve no purpose. Free Repair Clan Mechs would just totally finish the game for me. Especially with 3rd Person, and you and I both know it's coming, ReSpawns.