I'd be okay with a middle ground system similar to MW4, mad cat/timber wolf for example can only mount missiles in the toros, but no limit on them only pod space, arms due to their shape may mount direct fire weapon, SO maybe, a direct fire and missile seperation, with an option to change what the section could mount?
Like a vulture may mount missies in the torso normally, but you could convert the torso to use direct fire at the cost of no missile loading, and changes the model to display this.
Vasili, on 21 December 2012 - 04:49 PM, said:
they should make clan tech available the only way it ever was available to mercs, ever.
find a way to impliment a system where random bits are allocated to team members on the winning side, and they get the stuff. can't be that hard, monster hunter has always done that. or there's always the silly need/greed options other mmos have. i personally do look forward to clan tech but not to being able to buy it. (on second thought maybe at steep prices from outreach) i want the thrill of co-op missions against really difficult AI clan mechs where the stakes are high and the rewards are mechs and tech. oh yes.
A mad cat costs 24 million new, an atlas is around 9-10 mil, that is the purchase restriction right there, clan tech is expensive.
And by making the weapons and chassis available on a limited basis you promote the separation of the community by giving players which play more BETTER weapons and mechs, which will make decrease new player retention which would in the long run kill this game.
Also AI that does not cheat and has to abide by the same limitations as players, as well as being fairly smart about it will be difficult to produce for this game, you would likely have the mw4 level of AI at best, and they were horrible.
Edited by Deadoon, 21 December 2012 - 04:55 PM.