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Table Top Vs Online

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Poll: TT VS Online (599 member(s) have cast votes)

Should the game try to balance more towards the tabletop version

  1. Yes (246 votes [41.07%])

    Percentage of vote: 41.07%

  2. No (286 votes [47.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 47.75%

  3. It is (44 votes [7.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.35%

  4. Whats the tabletop version (23 votes [3.84%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.84%

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#241 Khobai


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 12:41 PM


That doesn't seem quite right, Khobai. In order to hit lights now, you have to fire at a special ghost in front of their mech.

uh you've always had to do that since they messed up the netcode in like october. but after that it was still possible to kill lights with streaks, which is why streakapults became so common... but then ecm removed the only weakness lights had

#242 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 01:53 PM

View PostKhobai, on 05 January 2013 - 12:41 PM, said:

uh you've always had to do that since they messed up the netcode in like october. but after that it was still possible to kill lights with streaks, which is why streakapults became so common... but then ecm removed the only weakness lights had

The problem with the Streakapult back then was that it was good against everything, not just Lights.

A lot of the problems in MW:O is not that they diverge from table top - as people point out repeatedly, we're not dice-rolling, we're mouse aiming, we don't act in phased turns, we act in real time. But the changes that were made were not necessarily in the right direction to compensate for these changes.

#243 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 03:09 PM

View PostIndoorsman, on 04 January 2013 - 11:49 PM, said:

Proof PHT has double standards:

Lazy reading strikes again.

I point out that void is avoidind replying to the content of my posts -

Pht said:

Lazy or cowardly, which is it? Too lazy to read my posts, or too cowardly to actually engage with the content of what I've posted?

- and now you're trying to say that I'm somehow not reading his posts or engaging with the content of what he's posted - which is not true in the least to anyone that's been reading this thread since at least page 9, I've been reading his posts and engaging with the content of them quite extensively, even though he's so far refused to do so with mine. He won't even spend the time to refute virtually anything I've posted; he's simply been repeating himself and accusing me of posting things I haven't posted.

If you're going to try and attack me, that's fine, but at least attack me for something I'm doing.


So you want simulation, aka realism.

I do not believe a simulation video game is one intended to simulate real life - I believe it just means that you're trying to imitate something faithfully.

In fact, here's me, saying the same thing, in feburary of last year, and it's even linked directly from my sig line:

Pht said:

Speaking of misused - "Simulation" does not denote that a game must have a massive overload of details which the player is required to track, manipulate, and master in order to play a "sim" type game. All that a game requires to be a simulation is that it properly portrays whatever is being imitated


Take the data of all the players of MWO and their accuracy and put it into table form and you've got hit-location tables. The hit-location tables could just as easily be reflecting pilot data, rather than your assertion that it is reflecting the limitations of the hardware/mech ONLY.

No, the hit location tables don't represent the pilot's gunnery skill. The ... gunnery skill rolls ... (one would think that to be obvious) simulate the pilots gunnery skill; and the called-shot hit location tables represent what little a pilot can do to try and get his shots to concentrate onto a smaller section of a mobile target 'mech.

Why are you acting as if you are dead-set against having any simulation of the 'Mech's ability to bring it's weapons to bear? One wonders why you're playing a purportedly western-mech based video game if you wanted anime style mecha precision fire.

Edited by Pht, 05 January 2013 - 03:10 PM.

#244 Sandslice


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 03:42 PM

The to-hit roll and hit location rolls are (not sure if I said this before) summaries of myriad factors that a real-world MechWarrior and his two-footed chariot would face on the battlefield:

-Pilot physical issues: heat, fatigue, sweat, hunger, adrenaline, the urge to pee, fight-or-flight reflex, the mind game of predicting enemy movements, the need to maintain general situational awareness, the feedback from the neurohelmet and other 'Mech-provided inputs, and possibly injury.

-'Mech issues: damage being taken and its kinetic effects, damage already taken, heat, movement, environmental conditions, ECM and EMI effects in the vicinity.

-Weapon issues: Wind, gravity, early or late detonation of the ammo, ECM/EMI affecting internal guidance, in-flight ammo being deflected or damaged by the environment, intermittent flaws with laser foci due to heat.

Any or all of these, and more, are variables. The TT condenses these into the to-hit, cluster, and location rolls.

It's not just "skill," and it's not just "the 'Mech." It's a combination of many elements.

#245 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 03:53 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 05 January 2013 - 11:47 AM, said:

Thanks, Indoorsman. Pht has pretty much removed himself from the "reasonable debate" category a long time ago. It's really not worth sifting through his huge pile of piecemeal quotes and sophistry just to point out every fallacy he's committed.


Pht, your style of debate, to use the term loosely, is called "sophistry." You seem to think that if you just hand-wave away objections you don't have answer them, and can get away with sniping at small parts of post - then making claims like "no one has shown me any reason why (insert objection) is valid!" This is not in fact the case. Chopping up others posts into pieces so small that they take up (literally) half a page of this thread simply means that your ideas are sloppily organized - at best. At worst they are hypocritical in the extreme. For example:

Fallacies which you couldn't point out even if you did have the decency to do what you expect of others to do with your own posts.


Simply stomping your feet and continuing to yell that someone's doing something doesn't mean they've done it. This false accusation of sophistry is yet another thing you can't actually demonstrate as being true - because I haven't done it. At this point I expect you to not even attempt to; I'm certainly not going to try and somehow prove a negative.


First, you claim that I'm avoiding your 1337 logical $K1LLZ when I point out that your huge, disorganized collection of sniping one-liners is unreadable - then you decline to deal with a body of arguments... because you claim you can't tell what they're about! That's the precise objection I raised regarding your mega-post of snippet quotes; you cannot dismiss my argument without derailing your own! Prattling on about how it's other people's responsibility to figure out the context of the snippets you're quoting is silly in the extreme.

I didn't claim you were "avoiding my logical skills." Another one to add to the stack of things you've been doing - putting words in people's posts that aren't there, directly or indirectly.

"decline to deal with a body of arguments" - I did deal with your arguments:

Pht said:


I've posted nothing that says or means that mouse aiming doesn't break things. What you (and many others) appear to be completely missing is that the current (and past) MW video games allow the players to do things that are impossible to do in a BattleMech.

All of the MW video games have, instead of simulating the 'Mech's ability to calculate where to actually physically aim the weapons and than use its various mechanical and computer systems to align the weapons to hit what the Mechwarrior is aiming at... No, instead of simulating the 'Mechs from the BT lore ... in a game that's supposed to be about piloting 'Mechs from the BT lore ... we've been given anything but.

It's not mouse aiming that breaks the system; it's that the hit location tables -

(which, again, simulate the 'Mech's ultimate ability to get multiple weapons to align on a mobile 'Mech sized target, not Mechwarrior aiming skill)

- haven't been ported over - in any form at all. This lack of porting the hit location tables over plus pixel-perfect aiming means the entire TT damage assessment system will not work; thus we see, say, double armor, and endless weapons damage tweaks.


You seem to have a habit of thinking that attaching abusive ad-hominems to me will somehow stand in for valid argument from true premises. "Theorycraft." :P

So, what's the meaningful difference between the data that makes up the TT combat system and the data that makes up the MWO implementation? ... Or will this be another of those details you choose to ignore?


You made arguments, I responded to them directly.

"Prattling" - If you can't comprehend someone's posts - as you've now admitted more than once - why are you acting as if you understand them well enough to refute them?

You demonstrably didn't even understand that I didn't just want the "equipment numbers" but also the rules that form the combat system - something I've copiously posted in multiple threads for a long time - something that's even in threads I link in my sig line.


You seem to have jumped into a discussion on whether or not the tabletop rules (not the damn fluff in the sidebars, the rules) should be followed more closely, cut-and-pasting quotes from conversations regarding this topic and responding to them as if they pertained to that topic - if you wished to talk about whether or not to use the fluff in the sidebars of a technical manual to make a major decision in game design, you should have said so. Similarly, if you wish to carry on about whether or not we have to have a point and click targeting interface in order for this to be "real" BattleTech, you should make your own thread instead of trying to hijack this one. In either case, your opinion is really not germane to the subject to which you are repeatedly responding.

"seem to have jumped into" ... I started posting that we should use the rules in the second post of the first page of this thread. Dare I even ask you to clarify what the heck you mean by "fluff?" and where it is you think I've been discussing it? Or is it "sophistry" to inquire what someone means before responding to them?


Yet your method of posting, as outlined above, doesn't lend itself well to unimportant things like context. If you want to talk about your subject, please feel free to make your own thread. While I disagree with some others on the subject of how closely tied to the tabletop rules our current gameplay should be, they are at least talking about the same subject - and unlike with you, I don't have to spend half my time correcting their hypocritically arranged and invalid arguments. The sophists contributed greatly to the destruction of Greek society. Please stop emulating them.

As for whether we should implement a sidebar in a supplementary rulebook as the Holy Word of Fasa, I say, "heck no." First if we're actually staying within the topic of the post, because it would: make a bad design choice for an in-the-cockpit perspective game; require a complete rework of a fun game system that has been months in the making; and dilute feedback to the player because the RNG would sometimes give to returns for a bad decision. There's no rational reason to select that one piece of flavor text and say "we must design the entire game around this thing!" particularly when that thing isn't related to game balance.

If, on the other hand you are saying that "It's not 'real' Battletech without a point-and click interface," I say "go away until you can reason from a consistent basis." You've said above that you don't want the tabletop rules directly transplanted into this Battletech game, so what's your basis for selecting this one thing (which is not even a rule) as a deal-breaker? To say nothing of the fact that, to bring you back to my thesis in these posts, you cannot thump a rulebook to "prove" a purely aesthetic opinion about what makes "real" Battletech - or to enforce an arbitrary opinion about which rules to import to this game.

P.S. Sidebar fluff aside, the fact that in tabletop, Mechwarrior skill levels affect targeting accuracy puts paid to the idea that it's only the Battlemech doing the aiming. Pairing Mechwarrior skill to accuracy, yet rolling the hit location randomly (only allowing called shots at a penalty, or with special equipment) is a game balance decision which cannot be coherently reconciled with the game lore. So now I guess Battletech isn't really Battletech...

I haven't taken any of your quotes out of context and again, I'm not going to try and prove a negative.

"A sidebar" - Seeings as I haven't quoted a single sidebar, I wonder what you're referring to; and you seem to have a habit of complaining about lack of context. What, in the structure of the language of your post, is supposed to help anyone be sure what you're referring to with your "sidebar" quip? Or would you prefer everyone simply guess?

"RNG would give returns for bad decisions" - as would any gaming system in existance. Or are you saying that it's possible to make a game where a bad choice will never give a good result?

"Point and click interface" ... are you referring to how one indicates to his 'Mech what should be aimed at? If you are, what do you mean by "point and click?" Do you think it means "point, click, fire, forget, ALA how LRM's worked in mw4? Or something else?

No, the MW gunnery skill rolls do not negate the idea that the 'Mech handles the aiming... they only mean that the pilot figures into the equation somewhere. Your premise doesn't require your conclusion.

"Is a game balance decision which cannot be coherently reconciled" ... again, not required by your premises. There is nothing about spreading weapons fire that negates the idea of pilot gunnery skill rolls or in-universe pilot gunnery skill.

Virtually the entire lore clearly shows that Battlemechs are incapable of getting every weapon to hit a single armor panel of a mobile target mech - the only exceptions being pure author fiat characters and situations - and I've already quoted from the authoritative author from the authoritative source on that. It is the 'mech that does the calculations and the physical aiming to hit what the MW is indicating with the reticule.

#246 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 03:59 PM

View PostRyolacap, on 04 January 2013 - 07:56 PM, said:

Yes large hard hitting weapons would be more fearsome; as they should be; its the reason they are large.

It wouldn't just make them fearsome; it would make them the only viable game in town.


AC20 should be the most feared weapon its 14 ton plus ammo and 10 crit slots with a 270 range. You no longer have these crazy alpha stike builds 1 shoting Ct. Its pretty darn hard to hit the head. Yes you would still have presice shots but 4 med laser would then = 4 med lasers and not an AC20 as they do now. Basicly when you alpha strike with every thing shots land around the center of the aimer rather than the little dot in the middle of your aimed; you know like every other modern FPS out there when simulating heavy fire. Hell I think even COD got that right; ever fire 2 handed ambiko style?

"crazy alpha strikes 1 shotting ct" - this is only present in the gameplay because they've not used the hit location tables - they've not simulated the 'Mech's weapons handling capability.

Yes, it's not easy to hit the head; but it's easy to hit the CT - and the legs. Gameplay will dissolve into "who can put an ac20/gauss round into the other guy's leg/ct/cockpit the best. It would reduce this game to a sniper game, and only a sniper game, worse than mw4 ever did.

MW is NOT an fps; it does not take it's construction orders from quake, ut, modern warfare, or call of duty. Doing so breaks the very idea of piloting a 'Mech that handles the weapons.

#247 Void Angel


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:02 PM

I've already demonstrated everything of which I've accused you in multiple previous posts. I'm not going to to dig them up again because you'll just hand-wave them away and try to muddy the waters - just like you're doing now. Combine that with accusing people of doing to you what you are, in fact, doing to them, then bringing in arbitrary definitions, and you've about exhausted the meaningfulness of your posts. ("western-mech" style means, somehow, "can't aim at a specific point on a target," and "pinpoint accuracy is now a defining characteristic of anime mecha. Because magic, that's why! Because magic. This is a tactic of sophistry called "muddying the waters." You're introducing an accusation that depends entirely on nebulous terms - if he tries to refute your claim as being specious and silly, you get to argue about that now. And it distracts people from what you've said before; or so you hope.

View PostPht, on 05 January 2013 - 03:09 PM, said:

If you're going to try and attack me, that's fine, but at least attack me for something I'm doing.

Didn't you accuse me of ad hominem attacks for characterizing some of your activity as "theorycrafting," (accurately, since theorycrafting is what you're doing?) Leaving aside the fact that theorycrafting is not a pejorative, this little episode is just par for the course with you.

As for the hit location tables being central to "real" Battletech... No. Just no. Those rules are a generalization of the fact that you don't always hit the same part of the 'mech. You can quote a sidebar of flavor text all you want - and people can counter with pretty much the entire body of authorized battletech fiction, where pilots routinely focus their fire on different areas. You roll on the random tables to simulate the fact that you don't always hit where you want to hit - and as a way of balancing the game. Since that balance doesn't work in this game (by your own admission) there's no reason to force us to hold onto an RNG for MWO. We're back again to the post you ignored: are you making a subjective aesthetic claim that you don't like that the game doesn't have random hit tables ("it's not real Battletech without random headshots") or are you making a claim that the exclusion of the random hit tables from this game has resulted in poor game balance? By this point, no one should have to ask, but you've been so opportunistic with your sophistry that I'm not quite sure any more. Frankly, I think you're conflating the two, and then picking one aspect of the conflated claim to defend based on what you think lets you "prove" the other guy wrong - another classic tactic of sophistry. "If you're wrong, then that means I'm right!"

So here's the deal. You swap ends more often than a top-rated mustang; you accuse others of doing things which you do yourself - such as ignoring inconvenient posts; you confuse finding fault and playing semantic games with meaningful discussion and rebuttal. In short, nothing you say is worth listening to. Your argumentative ethics are nonexistent, and you refuse to stop with the sophistry and debate like an adult. Since you feel no obligation to ensure that your thoughts are valid, I can quite confidently assure you that they do not matter.

Edit: Oh good grief; did it really take you that long to come up with that? I had time to write my entire post, and you posted your first rant nearly an hour ago...

Edited by Void Angel, 05 January 2013 - 04:06 PM.

#248 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:03 PM

View PostKhobai, on 05 January 2013 - 11:57 AM, said:

Trying to stick to tabletop is the whole reason this game has glaring balance issues.

What part of the tabletop is the reason that we have glaring blance issues? Can you give an example?

View PostRoughneck45, on 05 January 2013 - 12:04 PM, said:

Dice rolls =/= Player skill, and never will.

For that reason alone, pure tabletop rules will NEVER work for an action game.

Everything should be inspired by tabletop, but it doesnt have to be 100% the same.

... even I have been saying that the pilot's gunnery and piloting skill rolls have no place in an MW video game... who have you seen posting, anywhere, that thinks they do?

#249 Void Angel


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:08 PM

Basically, I'm done with you. You're the Black Knight of this thread, and you think that a simple refusal to admit defeat or even recognize the validity of other people's points (whether or not you agree with them) will somehow carry you to victory. Post your prattle and sophistry. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that with someone who actually knows the rules of thought. Instead, I'm going to ignore you. I'll just wait till someone with a basic grasp of honesty comes back to the thread.

#250 Roughneck45


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:21 PM

View PostPht, on 05 January 2013 - 04:03 PM, said:

What part of the tabletop is the reason that we have glaring blance issues? Can you give an example?

... even I have been saying that the pilot's gunnery and piloting skill rolls have no place in an MW video game... who have you seen posting, anywhere, that thinks they do?

Tabletop is balanced for dice rolls and game boards. When you make it an action game, the system that those original numbers were balanced for is entirely removed, and replaced with physics and aiming.

You have to let them balance their game, not try to balance it with rules from an entirely different game that theirs is inspired from.

Im all for sticking to tabletop rules, if it works in game. If they dont, scrap them and make their own. Remember when beta first launched with all straight tabletop numbers? It was awful.

Edited by Roughneck45, 05 January 2013 - 04:23 PM.

#251 Doctor Howell


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:39 PM

If we want to be TT purist, does that mean can I rules lawyer my way out of having my mech trashed by a Raven?

#252 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:54 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 05 January 2013 - 04:02 PM, said:

I've already demonstrated everything of which I've accused you in multiple previous posts.

In none of your posts have you quoted my posts to demonstrated how I've been doing what you're accusing me of. For instance, you keep accusing me of saying I'm taking pieces of your posts out of context - you've yet to use the quote function once to actually demonstrate the truth of your claim. You claim I'm engaging in sophistry - you haven't demonstrated that either.

If I were doing these things as copiously as you're falsely accusing me of doing them, it would be quite easy for you to demonstrate it. You haven't done so yet.


I'm not going to to dig them up again because you'll just hand-wave them away and try to muddy the waters - just like you're doing now. Combine that with accusing people of doing to you what you are, in fact, doing to them, then bringing in arbitrary definitions,...

The definition wasn't arbitrary; I was and have been using the word in its normal sense:


As soon as I saw that he thought I was using the word in a way that I wasn't, I made it clear that he was wrong to think I was using it the way he meant. Had I been engaged in sophistry, I definitely wouldn't have bothered to clarify what I meant.


and you've about exhausted the meaningfulness of your posts. ("western-mech" style means, somehow, "can't aim at a specific point on a target," and "pinpoint accuracy is now a defining characteristic of anime mecha. Because magic, that's why! Because magic. This is a tactic of sophistry called "muddying the waters." You're introducing an accusation that depends entirely on nebulous terms - if he tries to refute your claim as being specious and silly, you get to argue about that now. And it distracts people from what you've said before; or so you hope.

I was using an enthymeme - it's generally accepted in the MW video game community that most eastern mechas are far more precise in handling their weapons than western 'mechs, and especially BT mechs.


Didn't you accuse me of ad hominem attacks for characterizing some of your activity as "theorycrafting," (accurately, since theorycrafting is what you're doing?) Leaving aside the fact that theorycrafting is not a pejorative, this little episode is just par for the course with you.

No, I accused you of abusive ad hominem. Reduction ad absurdum is a form of valid ad-hominem attack. Abusive ad hominem is when you invaldily argue against someone and generally involves calling someone a name that doesn't apply to them.


As for the hit location tables being central to "real" Battletech... No. Just no. Those rules are a generalization of the fact that you don't always hit the same part of the 'mech. You can quote a sidebar of flavor text all you want - and people can counter with pretty much the entire body of authorized battletech fiction, where pilots routinely focus their fire on different areas. You roll on the random tables to simulate the fact that you don't always hit where you want to hit - and as a way of balancing the game. Since that balance doesn't work in this game (by your own admission) there's no reason to force us to hold onto an RNG for MWO. We're back again to the post you ignored: are you making a subjective aesthetic claim that you don't like that the game doesn't have random hit tables ("it's not real Battletech without random headshots") or are you making a claim that the exclusion of the random hit tables from this game has resulted in poor game balance? By this point, no one should have to ask, but you've been so opportunistic with your sophistry that I'm not quite sure any more. Frankly, I think you're conflating the two, and then picking one aspect of the conflated claim to defend based on what you think lets you "prove" the other guy wrong - another classic tactic of sophistry. "If you're wrong, then that means I'm right!"

"... No, Just no." is not an argument, no more than restating your position is an argument for the truth of your argument.

The quote is not from a sidebar; it is not a flavor text. It is from several pages of text that are based off of the TT rules - If you'd like to tell Mike Miller (cray) that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about in techmanual, feel free. Here's his profile on the BT forums: http://bg.battletech...n=profile;u=255

"Pilots routinely focus their fire" - I didn't argue that they don't try to - this is the called-shot hit location tables in action.

I have not admitted "that this balance doesn't work in this game" - not anywhere - you're accusing me of now saying that the hit-location tables balance wouldn't work in the MW game, when I clearly have been posting the opposite.

There's nothing aesthetic about saying that the disinclusion of the to hit and hit location tables in an MW video game makes the game into something other than MW because disincluding those mechanics means the 'mechs weapons handling capability is not simulated.


So here's the deal. You swap ends more often than a top-rated mustang; you accuse others of doing things which you do yourself - such as ignoring inconvenient posts; you confuse finding fault and playing semantic games with meaningful discussion and rebuttal. In short, nothing you say is worth listening to. Your argumentative ethics are nonexistent, and you refuse to stop with the sophistry and debate like an adult. Since you feel no obligation to ensure that your thoughts are valid, I can quite confidently assure you that they do not matter.

All things you continue to claim but have so far refused in a single post you have made to demonstrate by the means of the quote function. What should people think of someone who continues to cry wolf while never pointing out the wolf?

What are you, a coward, without the courage of conscience based on the truth of your position that would drive a person to actually demonstrate the truth of their position?

I'm beginning to suspect you realized back at page 9 that you couldn't make a good, valid, reply by the means of quoting my posts and than refuting them in detail, but you didn't like my conclusions, so you decided to drag this thread off topic in the hopes it would get locked.

#253 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:58 PM

View PostRoughneck45, on 05 January 2013 - 04:21 PM, said:

Tabletop is balanced for dice rolls and game boards. When you make it an action game, the system that those original numbers were balanced for is entirely removed, and replaced with physics and aiming.

What, specifically, about the conversion into an "action game" means you have to entirely remove the TT gaming system?


You have to let them balance their game, not try to balance it with rules from an entirely different game that theirs is inspired from.

I would normally agree with you, but when they don't make the game they promised to make - the game implied by the very name of said game - something's seriously out of whack.

A MechWarrior video game in which the combat capability of the 'Mech is not simulated - this is an oxymoron.


Im all for sticking to tabletop rules, if it works in game. If they dont, scrap them and make their own. Remember when beta first launched with all straight tabletop numbers? It was awful.

Of course it was unbalanced - they took numbers from the TT system and tried to put them into an entirely different gaming system.

They should have either totally ignored the TT numbers and scratch made an entirely new combat system (which would give a person valid reason to question their claims of trying to stick to the tt system)...

Or they should have actually implemented the TT combat system that the numbers were built and balanced for.

Edited by Pht, 05 January 2013 - 04:59 PM.

#254 Ryolacap


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 05:00 PM

You have to remember what the dice are trying to simulate, aim and the ability to hit the target, its a probability. Wether you like it or not the ability to hit in an FPS can be calculated to a reaonable degree. Some be be better than others but overall the dice represent what we are doing in game. There is not an fps out there that does not represent this probability in one way or another. Sniper sway, ambico fire, long duration rapid fire all have their consequences to keep the playing field level and "realistic". You dont have to roll dice but there should be a simulated drawback to what was being represented by the dice. You can do this by creating a cone of fire like all the other FPS's that have sucessfully simulated weapons fire. single weapons fire more precise while the more weapons or the faster you cycle causes weapons and the aiming cone to widen thier abilty to aim on the money....sorry just makes sense to me. Its obviously a sucessful way to simulate this.

#255 Roughneck45


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 05:09 PM

View PostRyolacap, on 05 January 2013 - 05:00 PM, said:

You have to remember what the dice are trying to simulate, aim and the ability to hit the target, its a probability. Wether you like it or not the ability to hit in an FPS can be calculated to a reaonable degree. Some be be better than others but overall the dice represent what we are doing in game. There is not an fps out there that does not represent this probability in one way or another. Sniper sway, ambico fire, long duration rapid fire all have their consequences to keep the playing field level and "realistic". You dont have to roll dice but there should be a simulated drawback to what was being represented by the dice. You can do this by creating a cone of fire like all the other FPS's that have sucessfully simulated weapons fire. single weapons fire more precise while the more weapons or the faster you cycle causes weapons and the aiming cone to widen thier abilty to aim on the money....sorry just makes sense to me. Its obviously a sucessful way to simulate this.

The only reason i dont like that is because those shooting games dont have 10 different locations that you can be shot and have hp on. The drawback is your personal skill.

#256 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 05:11 PM

View PostRyolacap, on 05 January 2013 - 05:00 PM, said:

You have to remember what the dice are trying to simulate, aim and the ability to hit the target, its a probability. Wether you like it or not the ability to hit in an FPS can be calculated to a reaonable degree. Some be be better than others but overall the dice represent what we are doing in game. There is not an fps out there that does not represent this probability in one way or another.

I know what the dice rolls in the TT are for. The pilot's gunnery roll accounts for his ability to indicate to his 'Mech what he wants it to hit by the means of the reticule on the hud which is controlled by the main joystick.

The other dice rolls simulate the 'Mech's capabilities and how well or poorly the 'Mech can handle whatever conditions (damage or environmental) it's under when it's trying to get the weapons aligned.

Yes, I realize some FPS games calculate some of these things in differing degrees - what I mainly disagree with is trying to say that an MW video game fits the FPS "box" because the word "FPS" carries certain meanings with it in most peoples minds that not only do not fit the MW video game genre but that are actually destructive to it -

in most FPS games, you're playing a human, and in direct control of the aim of whatever weapons that are being used... in those where you don't play a human, you're still in direct control of the aiming of whatever weapons...

- in MW, you're playing a human, in direct control of a 'Mech - not in direct control of the aiming of the weapons - it's the 'Mech that handles the aiming chores.

It would be like thinking a tank-piloting simulator shouldn't involve the targeting hardware and software in the tank and should instead just give you a reticule and let you directly (magically) aim the weapons.


Sniper sway, ambico fire, long duration rapid fire all have their consequences to keep the playing field level and "realistic". You dont have to roll dice but there should be a simulated drawback to what was being represented by the dice. You can do this by creating a cone of fire like all the other FPS's that have sucessfully simulated weapons fire. single weapons fire more precise while the more weapons or the faster you cycle causes weapons and the aiming cone to widen thier abilty to aim on the money....sorry just makes sense to me. Its obviously a sucessful way to simulate this.

The idea of a cone of fire has been gone over many times; and it results in a needlessly complex system that provides no benefits over something like:


With cones of fire, you have to vary the volume of the cone, the shape of the cone, and the direction of the cone, and you have to calculate these things for each and every weapon. Sure, the computers could run it, but it would wind up being such a complex mass of rules that it would be impossible to predict what would result from it in most situations.


In a bit more detail:

The volume of the cones has to be altered to emulate the effects of your 'Mech running hot, damage to your weapons, and the more extreme movement modes.

The shape of the cone - the circle - has to be changed to make your hits and misses make "sense," and it has to be offset. If they're kept as simple non-offset circles and you're, say, shooting at a fast moving target at long range for the weapons you're using; say, a bunch of medium lasers (identical performance) - and the target is moving laterally across your FOV - instead of missing mostly behind something that's moving to fast for your mech to physically track... you miss in a circular pattern, which makes no sense. Vise versa applies to hits - you can get a hit that makes no sense as to why it happened.

You also have to do a cone for each and every weapon if weapons can be damaged individually; the volume of the cone has to be modified to match aiming problems induced by that sort of thing.

There's also the issue of having to modify the cones due to target behavior - there's a limit to how well a 'Mech can track targets doing things like moving quickly through intermittent cover (trees, broken ground, etc).

You have nothing to apologize for.

Edited by Pht, 05 January 2013 - 05:17 PM.

#257 Sandslice


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:19 PM

You wouldn't even have to go that far, really. Use the "worst" performance among grouped weapons, and only account for attacker movement and heat. Target movement, cover, etc, can be handled by the player's ability to track/lead a target.

#258 Pht


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:31 PM

View PostSandslice, on 05 January 2013 - 06:19 PM, said:

You wouldn't even have to go that far, really. Use the "worst" performance among grouped weapons, and only account for attacker movement and heat. Target movement, cover, etc, can be handled by the player's ability to track/lead a target.

Even in grouped weapons you'd still have to do them individually because individual weapons can take damage; as far as heat, the player can't control how tha affects the 'Mechs myomer muscles that drive the 'Mech; so you'd still have to control for that too.

Target movement, cover, etc - it's not the player that is doing the lead calculation. It's the 'Mech's computers that handle that. Otherwise, things would be far to complex for a single human to handle and pilot the 'Mech while trying to calculate lead and such.

No, I'm not saying that the 'Mech does the target tracking in a click-fire-forget setup; the pilot still has to track his target with the reticule. The 'Mechs are specifically built to NOT be able to choose what they shoot at or track targets (too dangerous - mechs are ludicrously destructive). All of those decisions are left up to the pilot.

Edited by Pht, 05 January 2013 - 06:32 PM.

#259 Stone Wall


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:45 PM

50% to 40% right now.

#260 Ryolacap


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Posted 05 January 2013 - 07:35 PM

And there in lies the problem, where you see the "target" and assume it's the enemy mech, PGI sees the 'target" and assumes its 1 sq inch on the enemy mech. Personally, I think their assumption trumps for an FPS. Therefore, independent how how hard it would be to simulate, I dont see it as being that hard to figure out a calculation to create a firing cone, it really needs to happen to simulate a mechwarrior FPS. In facat the more i think about it the "target' being a point and not an object simply makes the most sense, woud if the mech was sent to blow a bridge or a building, or just provide blanket fire.


Who said that when a pilot in Battletech fires at a "target" they are not firing at a specific spot on another mech, but because of a cone they are missing, I mean there is a chance the pilot fires a CT and rolls and hits CT. Its all being simulated in fact no where in Battletech does it say you are the pilot, so even though you pilot through a shared concieness the actual pilot is making certain decisions too.

Edited by Ryolacap, 05 January 2013 - 07:48 PM.

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