I hadn't played this game for a while as I was waiting for the faction warfare before coming back, but I was bored, and seen as there are no more xp resets I thought I would give it another shot and have been enjoying myself since, especially as there is now better balance around LRMs.
Couple of questions:
Are there any euro servers? Have I missed the boat with transferring over or something? I'm pinging over 100 which carries a bit of a disadvantage during gameplay.
Liking the new mechs that have been added, but are the maps still just Caustic/Forest/Ice/River City?
If I buy the decorative urbanmech, does it apply to all mechs or just 1?
Some bits of feedback for what its worth:
Seems really easy to damage legs for no reason other than bumping into something.
Why no Solaris deathmatch/team deathmatch mode? It would actually be suitable for the game at the moment considering that both assault and c&h are effectively playing out as team deathmatch as it is.
I would like to be able to store loadouts, and be able to switch mech loadout during a warmup phase in the map, based on what that map is, its somewhat boring to be punted into caustic valley as a laser boat for example.
How about some maps that mess slightly with gravity? Say a lunar map or something.
Edited by NextGame, 27 December 2012 - 01:11 AM.