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End Of Match Awards (Humorous)

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Poll: Would you like to see end of match awards in some fashion? (162 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you support the OP's suggestion?

  1. Yes (147 votes [90.74%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 90.74%

  2. No (10 votes [6.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.17%

  3. Abstain (5 votes [3.09%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 3.09%

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#1 ohtochooseaname


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 02:44 PM

I think they should have a whole slew of awards, some humorous, and some not, each awarding a small amount of xp and cbills:

1. "MVP" - most XP, basically
2. "Momma" - Most Supportive (highest number of spotting assists, assists, and whatever other information they can collect like base capping and ecm shielding.
3. "Wiffer" - Most misses (based on shots fired damage - actual damage.)
4. "Which way did he go?" - Highest percentage of the map covered negatively weighted by combat engagement times
5. "Pest" - most time spent targeted by enemies and/or being shot at.
6. "I'm not dead yet!" - most close to death surviving mech: least hp remaining on a life-critical section.
7. "Consuming Hotness" - most overheat shutdowns weighted with heat damage taken
8. "Oops" - Dead with highest % hp remaining (could have a little icon of a commando turning a corner in front of an Atlas, and getting blasted.
9. "Tripper" - Most self inflicted leg damage - automatically goes to someone if they lost a leg due to a drop.
10. "C-Bill Farmer" - 6+ assists with 0 kills and low damage done
11. "The Closer" - 4+ kills with low damage done
12. "Sky High" - most flight time
13. "Not in the Face!" - dead with cockpit shot out or maybe dead by rear torso shot.
14. "Graffiti Artist" - most time with tag on an enemy
15. "Assassin" - 3+ kills via rear torso shots.
16. "Nekkid" - All torso armor gone but still alive
17. "Failure to Launch" - Most damage with 0 kills

Anyone else think of any they'd like to see?

Obviously, first I'd like to see some additional basic information like what mechs people piloted.

Edit: this has been edited as per new suggestion format and a poll added.

Edited by ohtochooseaname, 06 March 2013 - 04:25 PM.

#2 Praeses


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 04:35 PM

I like the C-Bill Farmer one
I usually get 3+ assists but 0 kills, and this could lift my morale a bit

#3 iminbagdad


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 05:34 PM

haha, these are good. I actually think that would be a cool little addition

#4 ohtochooseaname


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 10:30 PM

I just think everyone should get some acknowledgement of their performance...be it good or bad. The more humorous and tangential the better.

#5 blinkin


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:01 PM

5, 6, and 16 would provide a steady source of income for me.

these are all awesome.

my addition:
18. "it's just a flesh wound!"- mech that survives with the most missing components (arms, leg, side torsos)

#6 Noth


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:10 PM

For when they add collision back in.

19. Cluts: most times knocked down due to collisions
20. Leg humper: most time spent within 80 meters of a larger mech without being knocked down.
21. Kick'em while they are down: most damage delt to fallen mechs.
22. You are all tiny babies: most knockdowns against smaller mechs.
23. Look out below: most successful DFAs.

#7 blinkin


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:19 PM

24. "Alpha and Omega"- most damage done within a span of 0.5 seconds.
25. "you don't need those"- most component destructions on enemy mechs.

Edited by blinkin, 28 December 2012 - 11:26 PM.

#8 Noth


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:26 PM

25. Hacks: most consecutive hits on a target
26. One man fireworks show: survive an ammo explosion
27. Rambo: kill 4 enemies back to back without any ones else getting kills.
28. Dumbo: get killed within the first two minutes of a match.

#9 blinkin


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:29 PM

29. "i meant to do that"- most damage dealt to yourself with explosive weapons.
30. "i'm not as think as you drunk i am"- most frontal collisions with terrain objects.

Edited by blinkin, 28 December 2012 - 11:32 PM.

#10 Noth


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 11:36 PM

31. Sauna: most time spent at 80% heat
32. One pump chump: over heat after one alpha
33. Ghost: make it to the enemy base without being spotted on radar.

#11 steelblueskies


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 12:07 AM

for when knockdown returns
smackdown- most times clotheslining an enemy with a mechs arms.

vice cop- narc 6+ enemy mechs.
earthquake simulator- most impulse effects on any single target without killing it.

i'd split 13 up
[color=#959595]13. "Not in the Face!" - dead with cockpit shot out or maybe dead by rear torso shot.[/color]

13-not in the face- dead with cockpit shot out.

spanked- dead with only leg or rear torso damage

spanker- most kills by rear torso or leg damage.

i'm helping!- most friendly fire damage inflicted

suffer fools gladly- most kills+ most friendly fire damage taken.

i make you look hot- most flamer kills

#12 blinkin


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 12:21 AM

"ninja"- kill an enemy before you ever get spotted.
"heat sinks are not just decorative"- most total heat generated in a round.

#13 Noth


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 12:34 AM

Last stand: kill 3 enemies while having no torso armor.
Zombie: get 2 kills when missing both arms and both side torsos
Crash test dummy: kill yourself by ramming another mech
Linebackker: destroy and enemy mech by ramming

#14 Spirit of the Wolf


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:57 AM

Lightshow -- Have the greatest number of lasers fired during a match.

Hopscotch -- Spend at least half the match with only one leg.

Fish in a Barrel -- Never miss with a ballistics shot.

Use the Force -- Stay alive till the end of a match in which your team wins; one catch: your HUD must be disabled the entire time.

A Bad CASE of Death -- Die from an ammo explosion.

Overkill -- Shoot an enemy mech that has already died, but your shot must have started before it was destroyed. (IE: ballistic, ER PPC/PPC, or missiles)

Darwin's Revenge -- You run in front of friendly mechs and are killed by friendly fire.

Pilot Error -- Death by overheating.

TAG, You're It! -- Kill an enemy mech that you have TAG'ed with missiles.

Spray'n'Pray -- Most spread-fire weapon shots, but least hits with those weapons.

Whack-a-Mech -- Never stay locked onto the same mech for more than 5 seconds.

Home Field Advantage -- All your weapons deal full damage in the match (meaning you always hit an opponent within your optimum range for each weapon.)

Stay Frosty -- Generate the lowest heat during a match.

Champion -- The most kills on your team, and the most damage dealt, with least damage received.

Pincushion -- Hit with the greatest number of lasers.

Death From Above -- Every enemy mech you kill is at least 10m below you.

Might Makes Right -- Deal the most damage during a match, and your team wins.

I See You -- Have the greatest number of spotting assists.

Is It Dark In Here? -- Spend the entire match in Night Vision mode.

Safety Blanket -- Spend a full match with ECM in disrupt mode.

Scapegoat -- At least 51% of the damage you received in the match was from your own team.

David & Goliath -- In a Commando, take down an enemy atlas with a headshot.

Death Incarnate -- Kill all the mechs on the enemy team yourself. (Assists by teammates can contribute, but you must deal the killing blow.)

Twofer -- Kill 2 mechs with one shot from a single weapon. (Most likely a laser or an LRM20)

Hat Trick -- Kill 3 enemies in one match.

Heavy Hitter -- Kill 4 enemies in one match.

One-Two Punch -- Kill 2 enemies within 10 seconds of each other.

Guillotine -- Kill an enemy mech with a headshot, while damaging no other part of the mech.

Air Gear -- Spend at least 25% of the match airborne.

Burn, Baby Burn -- Kill an enemy mech with a flamer.

MOAR DAKKA -- Kill an enemy mech with a machine gun.

Sole Caliber -- Make all your kills with a single type of ballistics weapon.

Hot Stuff! -- Spend at least 50% of the match with Critical Heat levels.

Didn't Read the Manual -- Die from an ammo explosion in a mech with no ballistic weapons equipped.

Eagle Eye -- Get a kill at over 850m without using LRMs.

Shutout -- Get a win with no deaths on your team.

Stacked Odds -- Get a win with fewer people on your team than on the opposing team.

Thief -- Deal the least damage to a mech but get the kill for it.

Shark -- Only attack mechs that are at 75% health or lower.

Dead On Arrival -- Disconnect before the match starts. (No bonus or negative attached to this one though.)

Bully -- Kill a disconnected player. Only applies if you started dealing damage after they disconnected.

Full Retreat -- Disconnect right before your mech is destroyed.

Weaksauce -- Zero damage dealt during match, without disconnecting, and without just not moving.

Edited by Spirit of the Wolf, 30 December 2012 - 07:48 AM.

#15 Noth


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 07:05 AM

Enemy's best friend: deal over 100 points of damage to friendlies. Penalizes income.
You shall not pass: successfully defend a base from being captured by a bigger mech.
Failure to launch: kill a mech just as it take flight with jump jets
Duck hunting: kill a mech in flight with a ballistic weapon.

#16 blinkin


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 12:39 PM

"modern air combat"- kill an enemy mech while flying.

#17 blinkin


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:13 PM

"there can be only one"- destroy the cockpit of an enemy with the same mech as you.

#18 Click


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:41 PM

"Last but not least" - Finish in last place but have more damage dealt than some players above you.
"Bug repellent" - Kill a light with a spread fire weapon (LBX 10 / SRM, you get the idea :D)

Edited by Click, 29 December 2012 - 08:47 PM.

#19 Spirit of the Wolf


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Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:38 AM


#20 Utilyan


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Posted 30 December 2012 - 10:21 AM

this is great stuff.

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