EVGA GTX 670 (310.70 drivers) - I've tried 7 different driver versions overall and get low FPS with all of them.
8gb RAM
Intel Core2Quad Q9550 @ 2.8ghz
All hardware running latest driver/firmware.
In-match my CPU utilization is at 65% and my GPU is at 75%.
MWO Graphic settings are set at max and resolution of 1920x1080.
All of that and I get a max of about 14 FPS in a game. 14 FPS! Back in Closed Beta I would get mid 20's.
Re-install you say? Sure, I've done that over 15 times (Yes, I'm serious, over 15 times). I've deleted the game files, registry files, temp files, cache file, etc. 100% clean re-installs. I've even tried re-installing OS/Windows7.
Other games I get great FPS. In Battlefield 3 I get 50+ with graphic settings maxed. That's MAXED graphics and still getting 50+ FPS, yet with MWO, nowhere near as massive as BF3, I get 14 FPS.
So, PGI, what the hell? Why is this game running like crap month after month, literally getting worse with each patch? Your support can't help me (believe me, I've tried!, they just want me to reinstall again and again and again).
I only log in about once a week, on patch day to see what, if anything, has improved. Yet every patch my FPS gets worse.
Surely I'm not alone with the low framerate issue, yet I hear nothing coming from PGI about it. I've already given my feedback on performance in the appropriate thread.
At 14 FPS this game is almost unplayable, because I get dips below that making up-close combat extremely difficult.
PGI, care to shed some light on why your game engine and code combination sucks so bad? Do you have any REAL solutions to the problem instead of just reinstalling again or are you chasing down bugs in your code that you really have no intention of fixing or lack the skills/knowledge to fix?
Edited by Landsharkk, 29 December 2012 - 03:26 PM.