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View From The New Guy

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#1 Darkaiser


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 03:07 PM

Hello gang. I just downloaded the Beta a week ago and have finally gotten some meaningfun playtime in over break. I read a lot of stuff flying back and forth on the Forums and I thought I'd weigh in as the new guy with my perspective.

1) I was sorry to hear that many classic Mechs (the Unseen I believe they're called?) won't be appearing. Part of why I liked the game. However some of the stock designs were not very good so I hope those are fixed as they are introduced.

2) I understand that the game is a WIP but before the new testers play for a week and then go screaming off they need to decide what kind of game this is. Will money be a factor or not? How about regular teams of lancemates? Will ALL of the matches be brawls or will there be other, different types of objectives?

3) Balance is very important. So important that I don't think you can throw new players in with veterans unless they REALLY want it. They need to establish a real Training Center for newbs to get the hang of things before dashing right out there. They also need to break up the matches into groups with similar levels of experience. I'd like a Maneuvering ground to get used to piloting and a Targeting ground to get used to shooting BEFORE I become the next statistic in a match.

4) I understand the need for a Hardpoint system...I really do. But why not give us a bit more freedom and let us move some of the hardpoints around on the mech? My Centurion has a left arm that's not doing anything and I'd like the option of dropping a laser in there.

5) Nothings breaks my heart more than seeing a lancemate standing at the IP while the team gets wiped. Seriously, if someone decides to drop for some reason then cut him out of his share of the reward and give it to the rest of us.

6) The technology has to be re-evaluated. When I started I chose missile Mechs because I'm not that good on the controls yet and close-in fighting was bad for me. Now everyone carries ECM and they're invisible until they're standing on me. Not very fun. TT was a rock-paper-scissors thing and this needs to be the same. ECM should cost extra for larger Mechs since there's more to hide. Beagle should see through ECM. Both should be restricted to Mediums and Lights or else be terriably difficult/expensive to carry for larger units.

I've loved the MW franchise for years and I hope they pull this off.

#2 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 03:18 PM

First off, welcome to MWO!

1) While we do not believe we will see the unseen, it is not impossible given it was ruled that Harmony Gold actually holds no rights to the art. Furthermore, one would assume they would be redesigned to fit with the aesthetics of MWO. They may come some day. :D

2) Money? No. But it does save a lot of time. Lancemates? Helps a ton. If you can get on coms with even one other pilot via C3, TS, Ventrillo, Mumble, Skype, or any other voice system, it makes the game so much more fun. Adds immersion and reduces stress since at least you know one other person can hear you and respond effectively to your input. Until they finish the C3 integration into the game itself, I recommend either Teamspeak or C3 as reliable com systems, and there is a thread with a bunch of open chat servers for use by the public.

3) Agreed. There needs to be a training map. I believe the devs said they want to add one, but they are a small team so this will probably take some time. As for newbies vs veterans, unless they were able to limit automatch making to forcing the first 25 games against people still making cadet bonuses - which may be impossible because not too many play the game yet - then trial by fire is unfortunately the only way to go about it. HOWEVER, and this is big, an ELO system is being worked on that should match teams based not only on mech class, but on overall levels of pilot skill ranking. This should go far to making it a lot easier on the newer pilots.

4) Frustrating, I know. But, on the other hand, it does lend a reason to use certain machines for certain jobs over others that can mount the same weapons. Range of motion, convergence, how well protected the weapon is, etc, can all make or break an optimal chassis for a build.

5) Yeah, the sad thing is this is the improved version. Before, AFK farmers would do ziltch but still walk off with 100k-150k C-Bills, win or lose.

6) LRMs are very team dependent. A good spotter is needed, and TAG is almost required in the post-ECM era. Unfortunately, before ECM there were teams where half or more were LRM boats. It made the games agonizing in that either you bunkered down until they ran out of ammo, or you risked getting torn to pieces trying to shut down their LRM carriers.

#3 Red squirrel


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Posted 01 January 2013 - 01:09 AM

I never understood why they did not simple program a matchmaker that puts e.g.
players with <50 games against players with <50 games

or maybe trials against trials?

The new user exp. is just horrible IMHO.
Edit: Partly because of me stomping them :)

Edited by Red squirrel, 01 January 2013 - 01:09 AM.

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