Q: Is anything going to be done about in-game voice options? The C3 thing seems deserted/abandoned, and I've never seen it used. We really need voice with PUGs. Tell me something good is going to happen here, please. ;_; [Levesque]
A: We're still on it, don't worry. I don't have specific dates to give you, but as soon as I do I will let you know

Q: Can we please have a hero Atlas mech. I love my atlases and would love nothing more then a hero variant. If so can you guys bring it out sooner then later....Please. [Nightcrept]
A: I'll see what I can do, though it's a pretty safe bet we'll have one eventually. [Garth]
Q: How much does the brevity of a question affect whether it gets answered or not? [Farix]
A: It's more coherancy and clarity than brevity. I often take the actual 'question' out of long paragraphs to answer, as otherwise half the Q&A answers are reading someones reasoning

Q: What localisations are planned? [Vovochka404]
A: As we add territories I imagine we'll add those languages in. It'll be an 'over time' thing. [Garth]
Q: Will there ever be a virtual 'Mech Lab on the web site or the ability from within the game client to preview and customize 'Mechs prior to purchasing so we can see if our loadout plans work? [Kilgor]
A: It is a possibility that we're looking into. I'd love it, myself, so there is internal thumbs up for it

Q: Any plans for making toggling an option for TAG, rather than having to hold down the fire button for it? [Grissnap]
A: Yes, we're looking into this. [Garth]
Q: Do lights take the same amount of damage as other non-light mech classes from other mech classes? [Rooikat]
A: Yes, they do. Mechs all use the same weapons, so different class/variants wouldn't do different damage. [Garth]
Q: Any plans for "assymetric" game types, e.g. one side defending (or escorting) ,and the other side attacking? [MustrumRidcully]
A: For the future, yes. [Garth]
Q: What do you prefer - Scottish or Irish Whiskey? [Quax1102]
A: That is a crazy tough call. Initially I wanted to say Scottish and then admonish you for spelling it 'whiskey,' but then my Irish side head-butted my Scottish side and slurred something about Jameson. [Garth]
Q: Any plans on adding command/communication shortcuts for the chat system or the UI that allows us to call out a target or mark a target in the HUD, to "ping" a location or ask for aid, simlar to how previous Mechwarrior games had commands to communicate with lance mates? [MustrumRidcully]
A: I believe we do have plans for a quick communication system (IE. CS, Rainbow Six, etc), though I'm not sure about location ping. [Garth]
Q: Has there been any thoughts by you guys to help boost FF, to make it an upgrade, instead of a next step upgrade to ES? [Zyllos]
A: Yes we have, and they are ongoing. We have a few ideas, though a nice first step was removing the repair cost fromt he game

Q: So... could it be, that in all mechs real equipped weapons shown correctly with different models for SL and LL, AC-2 and AC-10, PPC ect..? And if weapons not equipped - there be "empty" places. [Warge]
A: This is something that is added over time. The K2 and Hunchbacks already show this, but it is a very time consuming thing to do. Once we’ve covered the major hurdles of features and Mech customization, we will be expanding resources on these type of visual upgrades. [Paul]
Q: All media on this game was pointing to 12 vs 12 battles. Then we get in and its only 8 on 8. When are we getting the bigger drops? [iminbagdad]
A: We test in 12v12 currently, but until external stability improves, we'll be sticking to 8v8. [Garth]
Q: How are our names going to appear in the credits for legendary founders? Will we have a choice how they appear? Real name? pilot name? [StringyQuark]
A: We're going to ask you

Q: When are you planning to drop the news bombshell, ruining many people's hopes and dreams, that the Urbanmech will never, ever, ever, ever be in MWO? Cute little cockpit items don't count

A: They can announce that when I am cold and dead in the ground. [Garth]
Q: Well as I asked in (StD29), will any of the Spider variants be able to equip the Guardian ECM? [Monsoon]
A: I'll have to ask DavidB when he's back from his holiday (next week). [Garth]
Q: I read recently (from you Garth) that torso twist speed increases with larger engine sizes. How exactly is this calculated? Also are there any other benefits beside torso twist speed, run speed, and heatsinks? [Jman5]
A: I'm not sure of the math involved - but those are the only changes made due to engine size. [Garth]
Q: Since there are alot of canon paint schemes with Bronze, Silver, and Gold paint. Will these colors be added sometime in the near future? [Hollister]
A: We will be adding as many colours as we possibly can over time. I can't say when specific colours are in, but chances are it'll be there at some point. [Garth]
Q: When can we reorganize the Mechlab order/rename our Mechs? [EveryoneEver]
A: This is an upcoming feature of UI 2.0. [Paul]
Q: Will there be a fullscreen, borderless window mode for the Mech lab / pre-game area? [Lon3Wol1f]
A: Yes, when the Mechlab 2.0 system is ready. [Garth]
Q: Can we get a reconnect button? [Homeless Bill]
A: We are looking into this system, so yes you can. Can't tell you when though

Q: Garth, What would your custom hero mech be? [Ashnod]
A: Oh man, awesome question... How about two?
- NUMBER 1: UrbanMech - with XL engines, endosteel, and a max speed of _ninety_ KP/H. Has a PPC and two ML's. Torso twist 360. Torso twist speed is lightning fast. Paintscheme: My family tartan, with glowing neon-blue viewports.
- NUMBER 2: Cicada - 6x ML (three in each arm) and a missile slot in one of the torsos to make it more OP. Around 140 KM/h speed, max armour and heatsinks, best torso turn/speed possible. Paintscheme: Midnight blue and black. [Garth]
A: We have a few tweaks planned, mostly to do with the speed the germanium is gathered, and bonuses for capturing the points. [Garth]
Thanks for your questions everyone!