1. LBX need some tweak - make it do more damage at 0-100m (2x1x10), less at 100-200 (1x1x10) and even more less at 200+m (0.5x1x10). Same time add 1-2 more tons to its weight and few more shoots to pack of ammo. (Or just add LBX20/5 versoins...)
2. AC20 need less (0.5 sec or so) reloading time.
3. Flamers need x2 or even x3 increase of heat it deliver to evemy with 0.5 (x1) heat to player mech.
4. Money. 25k c-bills for winning a game?! Come on, look at prices in shop... Make it like 100k for win and 50k for lose but reduce other bonuses twice or even more. (IMHO it shell be somethink like 100k for thw win, 10k for kill, 5k for component destro (same to mission objects) and 2k for target scouting).
That's all for now. There is some problems with ecm balance too, but i cant rly say what's wrong with it... but something is, for sure

Ops, misspelling at topick name - ofc it must be "weeks"