Cuthbert Allgood, on 05 January 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:
Tried the whole TS thing for the first time last night...when I say for the first time I mean I have never used it for anything ever. Spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out what I was suppose to do with it. Figured out how to mute the mic and un-mute it... made a avatar deleted it made a new one. Saw a pile of clusters of char. names( some I recognized from forum posts) saw about 24 or so clusters of 4 char. names(that I assume where in game playing) and a few groups of 2 or 3...even saw a group or 2 of 8. But honestly for the life of me I gave up trying to figure out what to do lol went back and played a few rounds and quit for the night. I am sure if You use team speak a lot it probably comes as second nature, maybe I try some more till I figure it out.
Hello Mr. Allgood.
I am assuming by your post you figured out how to connect to a server. If not I can walk you through that also. I usually will play on the comstar NA servers. If you need help finding or joining that server I will also help you there just let me know.
Once you join a server at the top of your teamspeak window you should see some options same as you would in microsoft word. One of them should be "settings"
Hit it and it should give you a drop down menu. Select "options" which should cause another window to pop up.
This window should have some icons and words on the left in a column. You want to select the "capture". which will change the left side of this window to give you the options for this catagory.
You should see a radio button with "push to talk" around the middle of these options. Select it and choose a key you want to use to push when you want to talk. That should make it so you can now actively choose when to open your mike or not.
Also if you did join a comstar channel they have it set up so noone can talk in the entry zone. You should see a lot of catagories or channels on the left after you saved and closed out of the options back to the main TS3 screen. They should be listed as:
Entry zone
Chatter zone
Education center
to name a few, these will have subchannels on them. The dropship channel for instance has channels like:
Dropship 1
Dropship 2
Dropship 3
To join a channel double click it and you'll see your name drop into that channel, once out of the entry zone you should be able to push the key you chose to activate your mic, hold it down and talk. Most of the people in there are helpful so if you have any other issues or questions feel free to ask. If you go into the LFG channel expect people to come up and ask if you want to join them in dropship whatever. Just double click that dropship to join and they should tell you who to friend in game.
Hope that helps you out and if you have any questions feel free to PM me, add me in game, or ask here.