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A Serious Omnimech Viability Concern/discussion

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#61 gilliam


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Posted 26 January 2013 - 03:14 AM

View Postqultar, on 14 January 2013 - 02:51 PM, said:

were did you get the idea that this stops them from being omni i see no rule on that

Dev posts on the official forums say that if you modify the fixed equipment, everything becomes hardwired, and it is no longer an omnimech, and thus, retains none of the advantages.


As a side note: be aware Sarna isn't an official source. it drew some ire a few weeks ago due to someone asking a bogus question about cruise missiles based on incorrect data furnished from Sarna.
That said, if I have the time and I remember, I'll add some citations to that page.

Edited by gilliam, 26 January 2013 - 03:24 AM.

#62 qultar


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Posted 26 January 2013 - 07:59 AM

In this game its highly unlikely that being Omni will matter
and they were saying you can not change the mechs
now i wish some one will post were in a rule book it says this
form posts are nice but most want to see it in print

#63 gilliam


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Posted 26 January 2013 - 09:29 AM

I linked the threads where the devs answered.
Dev rulings are official and can be taken as if they were written in the rule books.
On a side note, I did put that bit up for inclusion in the errata.

I really do hope they do something to distinguish omnimechs from regular mechs. So far, nobody has really done that.
My vote goes to being able to select your pod loadout once you know what map and mode you're dropping into

#64 qultar


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Posted 26 January 2013 - 09:36 PM

the only problem with letting you switch pods is how will they do EXP
and sell 3 copy's of every mech to you

#65 Dualscar


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 08:42 PM

I'm not sure where sarna.net gets its info from. I checked the cited sources, and it doesn't say anything about changing an omnimech's base configuration hard-wiring all its equipment, only about the ability to make certain components part of a base configuration.

The BattleTech dev posts are a much better source, though.

As far as solutions, I really like the idea of letting you choose your pod layout after the map and game type is determined. You could easily allow any player dropping in a Timberwolf to, upon loading the map, choose which of his owned Timberwolf variants to use. You could even implement the omnimech limitation by allowing users to customize the base configured equipment, turning the mech into a regular battlemech and removing that variant from the list of options when choosing your variant.

For example, say you own a Timberwolf Prime, A, and B. If you select any of those chassis, after the map and game type are revealed you can choose to launch with any of those three variants. Later on, you heavily customize the A and B variants. You leave the A variant's base configuration intact, only swapping out all its weapons. The B variant you modify with a smaller engine and less armor to make room for more ammo and guns. Now, if you choose the B variant you are stuck with it regardless of the map and game type. But if you choose the Prime or A variants you may still choose either one after the map is revealed, reflecting the fact that they are both still omnimech variants that can be swapped quickly before the battle starts.

This also requires players to own different variants and lets PGI monetize omnimechs, and those variants can even have fixed weapon hard points to limit ridiculous mech designs while still giving players the omnimech advantage. In fact, I would argue that letting you choose your omni variant after learning about the battle conditions is more true to the omnimech advantage than any previous MechWarrior game has ever been.

#66 Biruke


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 10:00 PM

They should add "omni" as an unpgrade. Say for another 10 mln C-bills per mech.

#67 Grey Black


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 01:52 AM

View PostIceSerpent, on 11 January 2013 - 11:51 AM, said:

All of which were "house rules".

I would like to chime in here and say...

"Officer Barbrady! I call Shenanigans! These rules are not strictly house rules and are covered in other sourcebooks, specifically the Maximum Tech sourcebook Special Cases section. Therein, it states the limitations of customizing non-omni mechs in such a way that, while you could replace one AC for another or one laser for another without too much rewiring, customization beyond this (replacing a PPC for an AC) could cause certain strain to the chassis."

"Alright, everyone get the brooms."

#68 Karl Streiger


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:37 AM

View PostStormwolf, on 12 January 2013 - 12:33 PM, said:

To answer the original question of this thread, omni tech is not viable in MWO due to the mechlab and ease of customization.

Sry little late.
Nope what means omni? Omni means i can place any kind of weapon into a mech if there are enough criticals available.
It is not allowed to place a AC 20 anywhere on a Timber Wolf because you have only 7crits in the torso and arm locations.
Maybe you should be allowed to replace the fixed equipment, but when you do this - it is not longer a omni mech.
When you want redo the chassis - the hardpoint type and count of your last build is fixed.

(Means with the AC 20 on the timber wolf) instead of 7crits x weapons just a single ballistic hardpoint.

Edited by Karl Streiger, 29 January 2013 - 02:39 AM.

#69 Stormwolf


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:05 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 January 2013 - 02:37 AM, said:

Sry little late.
Nope what means omni? Omni means i can place any kind of weapon into a mech if there are enough criticals available.

You can also do that with a standard battlemech (depending on the refit kit), omni means that you can do this in a couple of hours instead of weeks.

#70 gilliam


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:37 PM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 January 2013 - 02:37 AM, said:

Sry little late.
Nope what means omni? Omni means i can place any kind of weapon into a mech if there are enough criticals available.
It is not allowed to place a AC 20 anywhere on a Timber Wolf because you have only 7crits in the torso and arm locations.
Maybe you should be allowed to replace the fixed equipment, but when you do this - it is not longer a omni mech.
When you want redo the chassis - the hardpoint type and count of your last build is fixed.

(Means with the AC 20 on the timber wolf) instead of 7crits x weapons just a single ballistic hardpoint.

In TT you can still fit that AC20, since those weapons can be split between multiple sections, so some of the crits can be in the torso with the rest in the arm. The weapon would use the firing arc of the torso despite being partially in the arm.

The point of omnis is that pod mounted equipment can be swapped quickly. You can swap all of the pods on a location in half an hour, so most variant swaps would only take one to two hours to accomplish and can be done by junior techs with no experience since pods are plug and play. If would take a couple hours to swap one or two weapons on a battlemech (the time depends on what the items are, swapping a medium laser for a small pulse laser takes less time than replacing an AC/2 with a large laser or a missile launcher, and in MWO, you can't even accomplish this due to the hardpoint limitation).

#71 isotaan


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 09:47 AM

How about Omniechs have omni hardpoints that can carry any weapon in any location? Of course this is dependant on internal space being available- no UAC/20s for your cockpit.

Here's an example:

2x Omni
2x Energy (1 LA, 1 RA)
2x Missile (1 LT, 1 RT)
2x Energy (1 LT, 1 RT)

So you can use a layout fairly close to the TT Timberwolf (2 ERLL, 2 ERML, 2 LRM20, 2 MPL) while also being able to mount projectile weapons a la Configs B and C. I could even stuff a couple Gauss Rifles in the torso sections, or (heh) put Large Lasers in my legs.

Another idea is allowing Omni mechs to save different variants and swap between them with a couple of mouseclicks, provided the variants were pre-built.

#72 Strum Wealh


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 11:00 AM

View PostDualscar, on 28 January 2013 - 08:42 PM, said:

I'm not sure where sarna.net gets its info from. I checked the cited sources, and it doesn't say anything about changing an omnimech's base configuration hard-wiring all its equipment, only about the ability to make certain components part of a base configuration.

The BattleTech dev posts are a much better source, though.
As it happens, an actual BattleTech Dev did give exactly that response with regard to the question.


It is not a supported refit to do this and still have the unit be an Omni. Fixed equipment on an OmniMech can only be changed by making is a custom, non-Omni design. At that point it would be a normal refit of the unit, but the freed space would not be an Omni pod.

This has occurred once or twice in canon design, where a Clan custom has been made from an Omni and becomes a Non-Omni.

Additionally, the OmniMech customization restrictions are described in more detail on pages 47-57 of TechManual.

The short version is that (canonically):
  • An OmniMech's internal structure type (standard, endo-steel, etc) and location/distribution of criticals cannot be changed.
  • An OmniMech's engine type (standard, XL, etc), rating (250, 300, etc), and location/distribution of criticals cannot be changed.
  • An OmniMech's armor type (standard, FF, etc), amount (total tonnage/number of armor points), distribution (how much armor is where), and location/distribution of criticals cannot be changed.
  • The locations and types for the cockpit and gyro may not be changed.
  • The presence and location(s) of MASC and TSM cannot be changed; neither may be added to an OmniMech that wasn't originally built with it, and neither can be moved into a set of criticals other than what they originally occupied (for example, it may not be moved from the Left-Torso to the Right-Torso).
  • The type of heat sinks (standard, DHS, etc) that are equipped on an OmniMech cannot be changed.
  • Weapons and other pieces of equipment, additional Heat Sinks, Jump Jets, and other items may have been built-into the OmniMech as hard-wired "fixed items". Examples of such fixed components include the Flamer on the Adder/"Puma" (mounted in the Center-Torso), the Medium Lasers on the Avatar (mounted in the Center-Torso), and five of the Jump Jets on the Summoner/"Thor" (one mounted in the Center-Torso, the other four filling the legs). Such "fixed items" may not be either moved to another location on the OmniMech nor completely removed from said OmniMech.
The above restrictions are a large part of what keeps each OmniMech unique in spite of their relatively flexible weapon and pod-mounted equpment loads (e.g. why a Blood Asp might be used in place of a Kingfisher and vice versa, as well as why the former exists in the first place despite being predated by the latter by 172 years in-universe, and why OmniMechs of the same tonnage can exist without just being "X-ton gunbags with different skins").

View PostDualscar, on 28 January 2013 - 08:42 PM, said:

As far as solutions, I really like the idea of letting you choose your pod layout after the map and game type is determined. You could easily allow any player dropping in a Timberwolf to, upon loading the map, choose which of his owned Timberwolf variants to use. You could even implement the omnimech limitation by allowing users to customize the base configured equipment, turning the mech into a regular battlemech and removing that variant from the list of options when choosing your variant.

For example, say you own a Timberwolf Prime, A, and B. If you select any of those chassis, after the map and game type are revealed you can choose to launch with any of those three variants. Later on, you heavily customize the A and B variants. You leave the A variant's base configuration intact, only swapping out all its weapons. The B variant you modify with a smaller engine and less armor to make room for more ammo and guns. Now, if you choose the B variant you are stuck with it regardless of the map and game type. But if you choose the Prime or A variants you may still choose either one after the map is revealed, reflecting the fact that they are both still omnimech variants that can be swapped quickly before the battle starts.
Assuming PGI actually adheres to the OmniMech restrictions, one might be outright unable to "modify with a smaller engine and less armor to make room for more ammo and guns" since moifying the Engine in any manner is something of a no-no for OmniMechs (unless, of course, one does not mind completely losing the OmniMech capabilities :().

That being said, I think the notion of some sort of drop-down list of currently-saved configurations in a post-map/pre-start menu (no access to the MechLab at this point!) sounds like an interesting and fair way to do it.
('Twill be quite handy when we Spheroids get access to OmniMechs - either IS-built models, or those liberated from Clan stockpiles! :D)

View PostDualscar, on 28 January 2013 - 08:42 PM, said:

This also requires players to own different variants and lets PGI monetize omnimechs, and those variants can even have fixed weapon hard points to limit ridiculous mech designs while still giving players the omnimech advantage. In fact, I would argue that letting you choose your omni variant after learning about the battle conditions is more true to the omnimech advantage than any previous MechWarrior game has ever been.
I don't know - IMO, basing the financial viability of OmniMechs on the notion that people will "de-OnmiTech" them (either purposefully or accidentially) could work, but it also seems like the sort of thing that could backfire easily and badly. :)

#73 qultar


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 11:12 AM

if you anti changes on omni win then they will be less changeable
then non omni mechs and to me that just screams wrong

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