Le0yo, on 26 February 2013 - 12:49 PM, said:
As "thruthful" as fictional gaming universe with described technological standards (and lack thereof) can be ...
I love how you quoted everything but the modern comparison I had made between the 2 batmans and every other damn reincarnation of past mediums that have had MASSIVE success without the need to follow some of the crap that came before
In which particular incarnation of "the" Batman (not his future versions, where it's not Bruce Wayne under the hood) was the premise abandonned that Batman is a masked vigilante whose millionaire parents were killed before his eyes at young age and now tries to fight crime with his high powered gadgets and superior athletic training (while slos being a technical and economic genius)? Even the slapstick Batman of the 60ies tv show didn't deviate from that.
So now tell me, why is it so unthinkable for you that a BattleMech - despite running with a fusion reactor and having synthetic muscles - should have highly inaccurate weapons .. at least if one actually wants a simulation of a gaming experience in accordance to the background / fluff (and not just the TT rules)!?
you only need to look at all the remakes to see how good this is. game designers learned this in the 90s thankfully when developers realized they did not need to follow a predecessor exactly. it can be a new game and not be limited by the rules of a board game what don't you understand??
Okay, so I guess the XBox Shadowrun fps actually took the franchise to the next level, since it's designers felt that deviating from basic premises didn't matter that much ... oh wait. ~smile~
Oh and btw. the PGI developers are actually following the direct predecessors, so no real evolution in terms of gameplay.
as for sim how can it be a true sim you would have to go full realism the maps and range would have to be absurd to even come close to modern weapons range we have missiles that do 2,500 km now.
See that's the point you continiously fail to understand: Missiles in
our world have such ranges. Within the BattleTech universe the technology has degraded to a point where (virtaully all) missiles cannot reliably hit ranges farther than 1km and even pinpoint weapons that are mounted on mechs don't do better. And that's something you're obviously quite willing to take for granted, however the inaccuracy that is also part of the background the suddenly turns into "heresy" that defies the essence of what you deem "fun" as a game?! Sorry, that highly amuses me.
The "realism" needed for the kind of simulation I have been asking for is merely not the restrict ourselves to accepting part of the restrictions (combat ranges) but all of them ... and that would include (heavy) inaccuracy. And while I most certainly can see part of the argument about "skill" (and its potential gutting, when doing "it" wrong) I'm just intrigued by the expressed fears way before someone has actually tried making a game like that.
honestly let go of battletech and everything before see it as something new and let them build something great using the universe.
I guess you don't even see the contradiction there, right?
If I (or better PGI) let go of the BattleTech universe (see I'm constantly using "the BattleTech universe" not just BattleTech) I could as well drop the whole name and call it e.g. "Mecha Strike" and they are most certainly not actually using "the universe" by leaving the basics that shaped said universe behind.