Sirous, on 25 February 2013 - 08:56 AM, said:
In essence you want a one shot game, where every weapon can kill immediately, or within one or two shots.
Incorrect. I want individual weapons to be potentially powerful and not unbalanced by inclusion in weapon groups.
No, it wouldn't. Drop weapon damage back to normal, adjust armor to where you want it AFTER determining how long people will live when good pilots use the single weapon pin-point accuracy well.
No, they won't. Because you won't have 6 medium lasers hitting the same panel and breaking it instantly. You won't have 2xAC20 blowing holes in things... etc.
See above.
There would be an actual downside to having many of the same weapon. You'd have to be willing to either chain fire them for accuracy... or their damage would be spread by the cone of fire if you fire too many at the same time.
PPC's are much better now and very useful
LL or also very damaging and useful
LRM's and SRM's are in limbo, Both are considered very powerful but they are constantly being changed so we shall see next month.
All weapons require multiples to be useful. This is a travesty.
Yes. 2 MLs should be dangerous. 1 ML should be dangerous. With doubled armor, it's not.
Incorrect. Please see BT.
They wouldn't apply... because BOATING itself would be balanced.
Please re-read and try to understand the concept.