Tombstoner, on 27 February 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:
Just because you can't see the problem doesn't make it nonexistent. the OP has brought up a valid point about the differences between TT and the current game build. Its not a waist to actively participate in a beta with constructive feed back. i can agree with your sentiment that no one listening at this point. still one can hope.
And just because he sees a bogeyman around every corner doesn't mean they're there.
Tombstoner, on 27 February 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:
It's presumptuous to think its unwanted and unnecessary.... what if the game started with the OP's ideas from the get go. would you be QQing for I want all my weapons to hit the same location when i link fire ( no skill ) so i can min max all my damage on just the CT vs carfull aiming and placement for each shot. if your worried that a brawler would just close in to fast and your now vulnerable. you can just start spamming your weapons as well. with the same chance of hitting.
With the exception of a few things like ECM being too powerful, the game is working just fine. It's not presumptuous at all to think such broad sweeping changes proposed by Insanity are unwanted and unnecessary. It's far more presumptuous of him and you to assume you have all the answers.
If the game had the OP's ideas from the get-go, I wouldn't be playing it and neither would you, because it'd be pitiful and probably would never have made it to closed beta. In fact, how do you know they didn't already try his ideas at some point during alpha and discard them because they're stupid?
Tombstoner, on 27 February 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:
What the OP has proposed is an excellent compromise/addition between TT and FPS/SIM aspects of the game. it opens up more opportunities for additional content and reasons to spend money. think using gold from WOT. The TT has novice, average, veteran, elite skills. what if i could spend $5 to have an elite pilot with 50% reduced COF? its not pay to win since you can level the pilot anyway. its just going to take longer. thus just a quality of life issue.
Have you ever heard of a children's book called "Hiram's Red shirt"? It's a book where part of his shirt gets ripped off. So he cuts a piece off another part of the shirt to fix that. Then he has to cut another piece off another part of his shirt to fix the second problem. And on and on it goes, until his shirt looks like crap and it's still missing part. That's what the OP's proposal would do. It doesn't eliminate any problems, it merely moves the problems to another area, and for the worse. Your post here only confirms that.
Tombstoner, on 27 February 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:
Avatar based skill's that reduce the cone of fire. maintenance condition of the mech.
based on the avitars mechanic skills. both are elements from the lore that are missing and would add substantial debth to the game. just by taking a small step back from FFS to a reasonable hybridization of TT hit locations.
And if you do something like that, you may as well be playing Mechwarrior as a regular run-of-the-mill MMORPG where you click buttons on a hotbar and watch your mech fire. The whole point of a shooter is that the skills are NOT avatar-based, they're player based.
Let me put it to you plainly: you're playing the wrong game. You're not looking for a shooter at all.
So why don't you quit grasping at straws here trying to support a proposition that doesn't have a leg to stand on, and go find a game that's more your speed?