Adrienne Vorton, on 25 February 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:
oh that poll again...well it´s been a while, so i guess that´s okay

I did a reasonable amount of search, but the search tool on this forum is not really good, so sorry if I´m just repeating. Do you have the link to any previous equivalent pool?
Doobles, on 25 February 2013 - 11:02 PM, said:
I feel like on this poll I am either a die-hard fan of Mechwarrior in some sense or a I'm a "I'm 12 and what is Mech?" kind of person. I played plenty of MechWarrior when I was much younger (2 and 3 Mercs) plus I played G-nome and Earthsiege which were in essence the same thing. That and of course Mech Assault for the Xbox.
In all honesty a beta advertisement on Facebook brought me to this game...
I´m just trying to establish background, so we know if people come with expectations related to previous simulators, tabletop games, both or none. Judging by your complete answer I would say you choose the second poll option (mainly Mechwarrior).
Maybe I should have suppressed "for a long time" everywhere. But the fourth option allows for having played a little of either game and coming here for other reasons, the text reads: I played
little or nothing of Battletech or Mechwarrior