1. Maps are uninspiring in design, lack color, and needs an overall lift in aesthetics.
2. No ambient environmental sound that would otherwise benefit player immersion.
3. Environmental destruction is nonexistent (trees catching fire/crushed, destroyed buildings/bridges).
4. Maps are too small to have variety in strategies and tactics (flanking maneuvers, importance of scouting).
5. Maps lack day-night cycles (makes night vision almost useless).
In my humble opinion, the development team needs to make map design a higher priority and spend the extra time and resources. Below are videos that show maps from MechWarrior Living Legends for comparison purposes...
MWLL: Marshes Flythrough
MWLL: Kagoshima Flythrough
MWLL: Thunder Rift Flythrough
MWLL: Day-Night-Cycles
Edited by Maverick01, 10 November 2012 - 01:28 PM.