Up in the morning,
We rise with a cheer!
Some with the green smoke,
Others with beer!
All different countries,
But one single goal!
To download the Spider,
On patch day as told!
A fast mech so dainty, so lithe and so drole,
We've yet found a use for this lag mech of old!
But not just for mechs do we wander in tight!
We hope MADLY in rage ECM died in the night!
Whether through code or rusty hanger for clothes!
Aborted in infancy,
The pope not yet told.
So we hope and we stomp in the troll den of yore!
A forum once full of hope, laughs and not bore!
But in truth we all sit, in doubt some in shame,
Degrading with TK's or the Raven Atlas game.
So wrapping this up as the client buzz's to life!
Day old pizza in hand,
Chocolate milk and a knife!
For I promise the end with a threat if this fails!
A last beat from this heart if the patch day not nailed.
But really it's not bad there are others to play,
We can spawn camp in Planetside?
Mass Effect and be g ay?
So shall we let them attempt a patch day with support!
A last chance for some,
Another post in the road.
----The original Urbanmech---

Edited by PANZERBUNNY, 16 January 2013 - 07:46 AM.