- Lag and bad netcode has made Spider a dead on arrival mech
- No fixes to hit box detection
- No Phase 3: now 1 to 2 cycles behind schedule with no guidance on when we will get true MP play
- No fix to Conquest bugs
- No fix to leg glitching
- No fix to the anti-hack detection netcode
- No new maps yet or fixes to the current map lag generated from the new drop positions
- No fix to the new netcode lag bubbles.
In other news
As predicted, Goons are wearing their Brioni suits and still drinking Scotch while SQUAWKing.
A hero commando will be equally as useless as the current commando's given their poor utility in small-box multiplay and their inferior status to a good wolfpack of 3 ravens.
I'm still bullish on pub stomping, and continued cash grabs by PGI until their cash pile burns out around November (up from August). Which should conincide with roughly when they rush the Clans into freemium status, and only after a long pump and promote building into E3.
Edited by Mikhalio, 15 January 2013 - 03:52 PM.