Balsover, on 15 January 2013 - 03:12 PM, said:
In Canada, a business only (by law) has to give you the 25th, 26th, and the 1st off.
We have the 24th too, that`s it. The 24th counts as a half day in my company, 31th too. Our Boss was nice this year because we performed very well, so we got the 24th and 31th as present. One day saved ... i would have prefered a money bonus, but i take what i get.
On the other hand, if you don`t work in some kind of emergency service or a shop, germany is dead over christmas and new year. No need to sit at the office, you cant do anything productive because any other company is closed too.
I even like to work on christmas and never take one of my precious days, last year we where drinking champagne and played video games and got payed for that.
PS: I am working in business support. No need for support if none of your business partners is working.