Skyfaller, on 15 January 2013 - 04:12 PM, said:
Here's the thing: I can take the fact that they are 'working on it'.
Problem: They make the existing issue WORSE. Consistently.
Known issue-> 90kph+ mechs are not properly registering hits on their hitboxes due to a very bad glitch in cryengine.
What they have done:
1. Added ECM to 90kph+ mechs knowing full well the effect it would have.
ECM was added for two reasons, one was because it was planned equipment that people wanted and two was a counter to the streak-cat complaints (which were significant at that point)
Do you really think they were sitting around a big table, laughing maniacally about implementing something to break the game on purpose?
We don't know the reasons behind their mech release schedule, but I'm betting it has more to do with the way they are implementing things than "hey, we've decided to give a big FU to the community, because BUSINESS!".
2. Despite nearly over a month of feedback about how ECM lights exploit and ruin the game they add the Spider with ECM. Another blitz speed mech which can now bunny hop like no other (vertical hit detection is 10 times worse with in essence they have not only added one more ground-level exploiting light ecm mech, they have also added a vertical netcode failure exploiting mech. You think the Streakpults were bad with their bunny hopping? You just wait!).
3. They have not taken any step to fix the very issues which make ECM exploitable by the netcode exploiting mechs: the no-lock bubble effect that removes the ONLY weapon that hits the netcode-exploting lights: SSRMs.
..because here's the funny thing: If the no-lock was removed the ECM lights would not be able to exploit the netcode and ecm... there is a reason why you dont see any other light mech in the game nowadays: they have no ecm and they die quickly to SSRM's.
The problem people have with ECM is because the netcode hit detection of lights. I haven't seen anyone complaining about OP D-DC's, I personally don't think ECM should be changed on something that is broken (ie. netcode), maybe ECM should be disabled for the moment until netcode is fixed, but that brings back the problem with streakcats (or the newer problem of streakstalkers), so it's again a damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't. If we could all face-melt ECM lights with a 5 LL barrage with working netcode, arguments about ECM become moot - it becomes a survival need for lights.
...and personally I think it would make the game more enjoyable. The maps are too small to have such ridiculous speeds.
Why do you think there is zero progress? Just because you haven't 'seen' progress doesn't mean there isn't any, you are correct though, there may never be a fix for the netcode issues because it's a cryengine problem with 100kph+ speeds, but you know what? Something WILL be done, because it's an issue that everyone is aware of and it's being investigated (and they have already said this)...
And on a side note to some of the other posts, a percentage "complete" meter is rubbish when it comes to programming, you can easily have "75%" of what you need coded, then find out that you have missed some significant code early on and have to re-write 25% of what you have already done, meaning you were actually only 50% of the way through - how can you properly measure development like this? The community demanded more progress meters but the reality is that they don't mean squat, things can be pushed back for a million reasons that the community won't understand, the only thing they understand is "OMG, the devs aren't doing anything, they just delayed x implementation!!", which is what we see now.