Tichorius Davion, on 17 January 2013 - 12:43 AM, said:
I don't fully agree without because most of the suggestions that have been made are horrible. Weapon balance has been and probably will always be an issue, especially if clan tech does become available.
True, a lot of suggestions are just plain silly, but you have to admit that there were more than enough really good ones. Weapon balance doesn't have to be that big of an issue - TT is fairly balanced (aside from a very few weapons that are generally considered useless). PGI, on the other hand, managed to turn it into a much bigger issue than one would think possible, and they did it for no apparent reason (at least I can't come up with any possible reason for them doing what they did).
Things like matchmaking I will always contest. I dislike using ELO. It punishes people who play solo and often get bad teammates. It can lock people who want to improve on the lower scale.
I have to disagree - Elo would actually work just fine in this regard. If you play solo and get bad teammates, your Elo rating will be low. This means that you will be matched against other PUGs or really bad premades, you won't get matched against a decent premade, as their Elo will be much higher than yours. In effect, it would separate queues.
But this and many other variations have been suggested and this won out. For this one they listened. ELO is not a system of ranking designed for teams. Besides an ELO ranking doesn't fix things like team compositions. And battlevalue or tonnage lmit is not going to help by adding more values for the matchmaker to account for.
BV actually would not just help, but fix a whole lot of issues with team compositions (if not all of them), including Clan tech. However, BV would only work when team size is not static. Ability to drop with lower numbers, but higher BV is an absolute must-have. Otherwise, MM would have a lot of trouble trying to find a match for you.
Oh, and PGI didn't really listen. Nobody asked for 8v8 queue to be completely unrestricted, we pretty much knew that it would be a disaster from the start. Same goes for 4-man limit in the PUG queue - forcing premades to be teamed up with PUGs only causes grief to both, premades are unhappy about "having to carry useless puggies" and PUGs are unhappy about "getting roflstomped by premades".
Here's what playerbase actually wanted and asked for:
Units (a.k.a competitive teams) want a team queue limited by BV (tonnage or weight class is just poor man's BV and is only acceptable as temporary solution) AND a
separate, completely unrestricted "queue" that allows to fight against a predetermined opponent (for tournaments, Clan trials, training, and so on).
PUGs want a solo-only queue of their own.
What did we get instead? Right, we got a mesed-up PUG queue that allows premades and equally messed up team queue that is not balanced by anything, doesn't allow to challenge a predetermined opponent, and leaves teams of 5,6, and 7 out in the wind.
CW is something that devs have talked about and is a major selling point. I can't talk for them. Maybe it is being developed but not released. We don't know yet. I reserve judgement on this.
This is exactly the problem - CW is practically
the game, it should have become top priority item for PGI long time ago. Yet, we haven't even seen any detailed design for it, let alone any kind of implementation.
Also what implementations have gone so awry? If you say equipment stop there. We all know TT equipment did some times that MWO doesn't but thats because TT is played from a different perspective of god aerial. PGI has to make up what they should do and how they act and then adjust accordingly.
See above - MM, CW (lack of implementation), weapon balance, social features (for crying out loud, we still don't have a scrollbar in the chat, let alone general chat, lobby, proper black list, etc.), as far as equipment goes - ECM that was never supposed to completely negate any weapon, convergence system.
And Netcode is just an issue of insufficient programmers in that respect but they now have a dedicated team for it. Things like collision are tied to that so it might not have worked but by god PGI knows it and will fix it.
I can certainly agree with you here.