In doing so, I've become rather adept at being able to tell right off the bat if the match is going to be a complete asss-stomping, face-hump...And not the good kind. The tell-tale signs are:
1. Count down starts...3....2...1....Pew!...Pew!...Pew! The asshats behind you start firing off their ordnance. To be fair, sometimes this just means they are testing out a new build. However, you're still Fuct in the A because they aren't familiar with their mech. This is a bad sign. It's not the end...but it certainly doesn't bode well for you.
2. Everyone starts running off in random directions, ignoring pleas to stick together, or having mechs slamming into your mech recklessly not even trying to navigate/pilot properly. The best example is when you have some dork running in place trying to "climb" over an obviously impassible object. These are all signs that you are dealing with inexperienced pilots....and that your demise is forthcoming.
3. Now, the absolute dead-on indicator that you are completely screwed is when you have one or more disconnects just as the match starts AND you suffer from numbers 1 and 2 above. You might as well chalk it up as a loss and try to take out as many enemies as you can before you die...praying that the other team is even worse than your's.
Now, I'm not sure when this new awesome matchmaking code is coming with accurate skill ranking/assessment, but playing in PUGs is absolute hell right now. It's so completely random that I'm beginning to think it just haphazardly picks one side as the "losers" — putting a bunch of inexperienced players on it — and then it randomly picks one or two proficient players to ride the small bus with them in some attempt to "hold their hands" or something.
I say this because as an experienced player, I shouldn't have to suffer playing with players that think it's awesome to constantly run into other teammates and alpha strike anything that moves. Experienced players should be teamed up with other experienced players...always.
Which brings me to my next point...
We need a TRAINING CAMP...and I mean real one, not just some videos on a website. A real training ground where new and experienced players can get used to piloting and test out new builds.
Thanks for reading.

Edited by Bhael Fire, 15 January 2013 - 07:45 PM.