- I am two shooted by a SixsixCat, which came out of nowhere thanks to ECM cover
- I am circled by ECM lights like a drowning Survivor by Sharks
- When my Team colleages disappear on the Map and never come back
- My LRM's can't fire at the charging Atlas D-DC because i have an ECM Raven in my Back
- My Map goes out on Nightcity, so i have no chance to identify Foe from Friend
- I am shot in Nightcity for the exact the same reason
Streakcats could be handled with, because they had been only 84 kph fast and where big targets, you could even fire in Blackscreen on them thanks to the Big red square, i am now more often killed per GAME by Ravens then by Streakcats... in about 350 games as a novice Pilot (had about 100 games in CB before) i was 2 times killed by a Streakcat, now i am regularly killed by ECM lights or the result of ECM ( like the popping up SixsixCats). And the Streakcats had a low DPS, giving you time to kill them, a Sixsix kills you in 3 Seconds.
Yes you killed the Streakcats, the best Defence we had against the lurking Shark Lights... and you killed the Defence on every other non ECM mech.
SO i would trade EVERYTIME the Streakcat Menace back over the Raven Menace you greated PGI.
Think of this, what you have done.
I am ejecting and waiting for the next Patch.
Edited by Elkarlo, 16 January 2013 - 05:00 AM.