King Arthur IV, on 16 January 2013 - 01:12 PM, said:
I and a growing community feel that keeping the paints we purchase would be a win win business proposition. as of today 17/1/13 the current paint scheme does not incentivise us (the consumer) to repaint. we feel that if we were allowed to keep the paint, we would purchase more colors per mech (current colors and future colors).
many of us enjoy customizing our mechs cosmetics back and forth but we are denied this due to your current scheme. not only would we be more satisfied with keeping the paints but we would be more inclined to purchase more colors because of it.
here is a poll i have set up to address to you the concerns of the cosmetic gamer. (even boys like to play dress up
thank you
On top of that why not make a pain scheme which you can bind to a map. So you can have different paint jobs for each map. IE a Mech Painted Black for night map, White for snow, forrest camo for .. well forrest map ect. whould also make people more interested in buying paint.
For me personally i think it should be cheaper, as the prices are not I'm not going to buy any paint.
Also i think that paint should also be available to buy with CB although it should be more expensive. Having access to an advantage such as specific camouflage with only IRL. money will make it a "Pay to win" element regardless of how small an impact i can have on the game. Just my thought though.
Regards Ephreal
Edited by Ephrael, 17 January 2013 - 04:02 AM.