The only issue I have with TS3 is that joystick PTT is quirky - it sees button down events but not button up events sometimes, locking my transmit on.
I have to use a macro to make the PTT button on my stick (A joypad on the floor I hit with my foot) operate a key combination, and all works OK.
However, it is also worth noting that I myself have been seeing some similar weirdness also lately.
I have a G13 gameboard, and have been having cutouts on USB power. I also see lights in room dim, so I guess the power here is not so great. When it happens, my G13 disconnects, then gets put in the default profile, and suddenly all my controls go wrong. Luckily I can manually select the MWO profile using the controls on the G13, but still, it is highly annoying.
Whatever, my suggestion would be to look into that area - your PSU may be struggling (They droop with age) or you may need a mini-UPS or something to smooth your power supply.
Regarding vJoy, yeah, Shaul has been sending me test versions also. I do not see a new packaged version posted up yet, but I guess it is coming shortly.
Thankyou to everyone who contributed - I think requiring Test Mode was putting a lot of potential users off, so with that barrier removed hopefully UJR should be able to realize it's full potential.
It's amazing to think that what began as an app to fix various issues with MWO joystick support is now used by thousands of people (over 1,500 uses of the latest version this month) with a wide variety of games.
With a signed driver, I hope this figure can rise significantly